32 entries in 0.557s

mircea_popescu: you mean, in
everett's gun sense so dear to alf's heart ?
mircea_popescu: biggest problem with
everett's notions of qm, and why bohr was a respected physicist whereas
everett was a sort of h. ellison, was that he purports to have some sort of q-independent causality.
everett's device sounds like how stan would design computers and/or bitcoin.
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2016 20:28:39; asciilifeform: or
everett's solution !
mircea_popescu: i am, and for years have been, destroying the usg through
everett's device.
assbot: Logged on 08-09-2015 19:06:41; ascii_field: if
everett's picture of consciousness were to turn out physically real, he would remain alive and obscenely loaded in the branch where the bits resolved to the key.
ascii_field: if
everett's picture of consciousness were to turn out physically real, he would remain alive and obscenely loaded in the branch where the bits resolved to the key.
☟︎ ascii_field: that if hugh
everett were alive today, he might build a machine that tests rng output for being the privkey to a fat btc balance, and shoots him in the head if it fails