32 entries in 0.557s
asciilifeform: 'What will I do personally? I'll spend more time with my kids. I'll finish reading my 1911 Britannica – I am only on the B's. I have no other long-term plans. ... I am leaving not just the project but the field – no less than Satoshi, or Everett, or Rimbaud ... Will Satoshi weigh in on the next Bitcoin Cash fork? Did Rimbaud fly back from Ethiopia ...' << evidently d00d at least 'took the money and ran'. seems to have worked appr
a111: 29 results for "everett", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=everett
asciilifeform: !#s everett
asciilifeform: everett
asciilifeform: see also everett...
asciilifeform: everett smiles in his unmarked grave.
mircea_popescu: you mean, in everett's gun sense so dear to alf's heart ?
asciilifeform: imho we can skip the menschkeit 'everett's device is the only working device' mega-thread, subj is amply worked in the l0gz...
asciilifeform: but it makes generous use of everett's device. outside of a few 'sexy' cases, we don't get to hear from the dead armies.
asciilifeform: the 'great navigators' navigated by everett's device.
asciilifeform: the relation is that we just re-did the everett's device thread.
mircea_popescu: biggest problem with everett's notions of qm, and why bohr was a respected physicist whereas everett was a sort of h. ellison, was that he purports to have some sort of q-independent causality.
pete_dushenski: everett's device sounds like how stan would design computers and/or bitcoin.
asciilifeform: according to everett's mechanics, the outcome of using this device is that you wake up in the universe where the primes were guessed.
asciilifeform: at any rate, everett device is this gadget that tries to guess the answer to a trapdoor problem, e.g., deriving mircea_popescu's private key primes
asciilifeform: do you recall h. everett ?
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: were you here for the 'everett's device' thread ?
asciilifeform: well, to re-connect the frags, i take issue with everett's device as problem solving tool, because if you admit it, none of the other things we do make any sense
asciilifeform: i prepare for many things. but i also use everett's device. so i do not prepare for surrender and cocksucking ignominy.
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2016 20:28:39; asciilifeform: or everett's solution !
assbot: Everett House Healing Center ... ( http://bit.ly/21uRprj )
asciilifeform: btw there is a version that turing discovered everett's device before everett
mircea_popescu: i am, and for years have been, destroying the usg through everett's device.
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu 'doesn't care' - at all - how come he doesn't, e.g., factor rsa using everett's device ?
asciilifeform: in a way, we all use everett's device every day.
mircea_popescu: i suppose h. everett is the foundational lemma of sf.
asciilifeform: or everett's solution ! ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 08-09-2015 19:06:41; ascii_field: if everett's picture of consciousness were to turn out physically real, he would remain alive and obscenely loaded in the branch where the bits resolved to the key.
ascii_field: if everett's picture of consciousness were to turn out physically real, he would remain alive and obscenely loaded in the branch where the bits resolved to the key. ☟︎
ascii_field: that if hugh everett were alive today, he might build a machine that tests rng output for being the privkey to a fat btc balance, and shoots him in the head if it fails
asciilifeform physicists think in wavefunctions << summons zombie of hugh everett
gribble: KRKO-AM: <http://www.krko.com/>; KRKO - North Sound 1380 Everett, WA - Listen Online - TuneIn: <http://tunein.com/radio/North-Sound-1380-s35018/>; KRKO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRKO>