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ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-21 23:57:55 billymg: damn it feels good being in control of my time again. i spent the morning installing alf's
dulap-gentoo on a lenovo E545 i picked up off ebay, plus some research into the trb setup i'll want for it. i then took a break in the afternoon to read the origin stories from jfw and dorion, both of which were inspiring/motivating (and i plan to continue with the background articles published recently on other blogs as well
billymg: damn it feels good being in control of my time again. i spent the morning installing alf's
dulap-gentoo on a lenovo E545 i picked up off ebay, plus some research into the trb setup i'll want for it. i then took a break in the afternoon to read the origin stories from jfw and dorion, both of which were inspiring/motivating (and i plan to continue with the background articles published recently on other blogs as well
BingoBoingo: !!invoice jfw 0.121 Auction - Switches +
Dulap ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-15 14:13:44 BingoBoingo: Fedex economy came in with an estimate a bit under 300 USD given the
dulap's dimensions and bathroom scale weight without packaging. Packaging at this moment is looking like it will end up being mover's foam rolls and improvised cardboard box/wrap held together with substantial tape.
BingoBoingo: Your chassis is a bit heavier and deeper than the
dulap machines, but it also has the guts of two machines inside.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-06 11:41:51 diana_coman: maintaining the frozen
dulap-gentoo recipe + all and deploying that + still having afterwards to make the switch to cuntoo when it's ready
diana_coman: maintaining the frozen
dulap-gentoo recipe + all and deploying that + still having afterwards to make the switch to cuntoo when it's ready
diana_coman: to fully clarify: I can boot both/either servers on
dulap-gentoo on either amd or intel hardware
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: that is AMD with
dulap-gentoo aka proto-cuntoo aka NOT fully statically linked
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 15:03:50 asciilifeform: for intervals of expansion : would also help if had any way to gauge demand. ( atm i have 1 ~maybe~
dulap-install being considered by diana_coman & mp. anyone else ? )
BingoBoingo: Even with the lessons learned. Drives die, etc. 3 year depreciation may make sense for a
dulap, but on a rockchip even with forced air...We had a Rockchip die
BingoBoingo: lobbes: I still gotta write a post for asciilifeform on what a shared hosting stack should look like. It may also be the case that the bot would be better with its own '
dulap' type server. I have not had time to sit down and catch up completely with the conversation surrounding this bot.
BingoBoingo: Hardware wise UY1 left little to nothing to nitpick.
Dulap type machine lots of ram, lots of fast disk, plenty of cores, hard to have too much of any of these things when shitting pages from public facing port. The room for improvement is in the stack and its management.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: how much do you pay for a
dulap-box anyway?
BingoBoingo: Fedex economy came in with an estimate a bit under 300 USD given the
dulap's dimensions and bathroom scale weight without packaging. Packaging at this moment is looking like it will end up being mover's foam rolls and improvised cardboard box/wrap held together with substantial tape.
diana_coman: ftp://logs.ossasepia.com/ - I've setup a ftp mirror for asciilifeform as he currently has only the slow loper-os; he already uploaded the
dulap tarball; it has anonymous read-only access for anyone interested/having trouble with loper-os.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: python version on
dulap is 3.5.4 though or what happened here?!
BingoBoingo: Well, how much does a
dulap spec machine run for on the market atm, and are there any indications as to how deep the market is. You did say earlier that they are getting rarer
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 23:32:29 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: back in '17 when
dulap-I crater was still smoking , asciilifeform wanted to try ro . but mp_en_viaje said that it was poor site, and i'm inclined to think that he had good reason to say this.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform:
Dulap and two S.MG machines extracted
BingoBoingo back at terminal. Shared machine user data backed up along with databases. asciilifeform
Dulap powered down, drives removed
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-06 18:42:28 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: From what I can see it looks like they went ahead and blackholed a portion of the IP space. half the rockchips,
dulap, and another IP
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: From what I can see it looks like they went ahead and blackholed a portion of the IP space. half the rockchips,
dulap, and another IP
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: mno. during ddos, whole pipe was dead. whereas atm e.g. uy1 loads, ditto ossasepia, but not
dulap or qntra << Ah, here I was trying to load qntra
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 23:32:29 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: back in '17 when
dulap-I crater was still smoking , asciilifeform wanted to try ro . but mp_en_viaje said that it was poor site, and i'm inclined to think that he had good reason to say this.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If get into
dulap through the shared box, .239 is available
BingoBoingo: Most of Pizarro is back. Now we have to figure out how to bring 2 Rockchips and
dulap back without them autoconnecting to Freenode cloakless
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 22:28:19 asciilifeform: i find it mighty 'coincidence'(tm) that for year+ we get 24/7 pipe, and then put a logger and nao
dulap-I treatment.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 22:28:19 asciilifeform: i find it mighty 'coincidence'(tm) that for year+ we get 24/7 pipe, and then put a logger and nao
dulap-I treatment.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-12 15:13:13 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers! lobbes , diana_coman , et al : reader.py on
dulap updated to lobbes's raw-export-fix.
vtree page updated w/ lobbes patch and lobbes , asciilifeform , sigs.