23 entries in 1.105s
mircea_popescu: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/The_cow_pock.jpg style
asciilifeform: incidentally, the moduli in the self-signed blobs end in : d6 e1 1c ec ; 46 0a d0 9a ; be fe 39 b6 ; 2c c3 f2 a2 ; 46 0a d0 9a ; 13 7d e7 c3 .
mod6: here's a question. with regard to this (http://pit-claudel.fr/clement/blog/generating-uniformly-random-data-from-skewed-input-biased-coins-loaded-dice-skew-correction-and-the-von-neumann-extractor/), with three d6 rolls of [453] what would be the result?
mod6: ok you that decision table for a d6 here: http://pit-claudel.fr/clement/blog/generating-uniformly-random-data-from-skewed-input-biased-coins-loaded-dice-skew-correction-and-the-von-neumann-extractor/
mod6: cause really, i don't care baout the d6, i need to invent the table for d16
mod6: i actually don't care /that/ much. im trying to wrap my brain around the truth table for the d6, with three rolls.
mike_c: or maybe this? ‎00 b8 d9 04 8e 1d f6 05 6d 9e 3d fa e7 d6 16 4d f9
fluffypony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_T48zd8zg
assbot: 12 results for 'd6' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=d6
BingoBoingo: !s d6
nubbins`: not what i was expecting you to do. d6
BingoBoingo: d6
BingoBoingo: 1. h3 d6
BingoBoingo: K, d7-d6
BingoBoingo: d6
nubbins`: bishop was on d6
BingoBoingo: d6
Namworld: d6
BingoBoingo: Vexual: You moved 1. e4 and i followed with ... d6
BingoBoingo: Is thisd the first move of a new game? If so 1.... d6.
BingoBoingo: The thing is moving to the Ausstrian attack takes no time. !. e4 d6 2. f4
BingoBoingo: d6
BingoBoingo: d6