109 entries in 0.65s
BingoBoingo: That one girl who came in with generic "bitcoingirl" nick or something like that and left. I think early 2014-ish
BingoBoingo: Pierre_Rochard: bitcoingirl is Ms Boring
Pierre_Rochard: is bitcoingirl Lee Bard?
gribble: bitcoingirl was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 23 weeks, 0 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <bitcoingirl> the shavers case hasn't gone to trial yet
BingoBoingo: ;;seen bitcoingirl
assbot: 216 results for 'bitcoingirl' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoingirl
BingoBoingo: !s bitcoingirl
ben_vulpes: bitcoingirl
ThickAsThieves: tho i still think bitcoingirl should just take up a career in playing a dame in movies
pete_dushenski: i think her nick was bitcoingirl
fluffypony: and as we know mircea_popescu loves bitcoingirl
benkay: lolk so what did bitcoingirl do to piss you off, mircea_popescu ?
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user bitcoingirl: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=bitcoingirl | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitcoingirl | Rated since: Wed Jul 23 17:35:32 2014
BingoBoingo: ;;gettrust assbot bitcoingirl
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user bitcoingirl has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate bitcoingirl -1 Absolutely unbearably clueless, self promoting dumb broad.
gribble: You have not yet rated user bitcoingirl
mircea_popescu: ;;rated bitcoingirl
assbot: 203 results for 'bitcoingirl' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoingirl
mircea_popescu: !s bitcoingirl
moiety just watched the bitcoingirl vid
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, bitcoingirl, cevidad, frankenmint, Immukization, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, moiety, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, RainMan28, ryepdx, starsoccer9, ThickasTheives, and vexual.
benkay: ;;later tell bitcoingirl honey you gotta do better than that. voorhees got in trouble for feedzebirds and not satoshidice - mostly 'cause DICE was listed on the SRO MPEx.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, benkay, bitcoingirl, cevidad, congrats, davout, Immukization, Immuzikkation, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, moiety, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, ryepdx, and ThickAsThieves.
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl: i think Kraken and circle are the drivers of the operation << SV "Bitcoin" VCs are quickly becoming this place elephants go to die.
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl:idk how to find it << kakobrekla how hard it'd be to add full log search ? google is a bitchy little piece of shit that's not indexing half the days.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoingirl yes.
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user bitcoingirl: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=bitcoingirl | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitcoingirl | Rated since: never
thestringpuller: ;;gettrust bitcoingirl
benkay: Trendon Shavers/Pirateat40/Bitcoin Savings and Trust ring a bell, bitcoingirl ?
benkay: bitcoingirl: have you read the indictments too?
benkay: i'm sure we'll see it in the next 'this week in bitcoin' from what is it - Forbes, bitcoingirl?
jurov: bitcoingirl whatever you're finished
jurov: bitcoingirl, mind sharing the conclusion?
jurov: !up bitcoingirl
davout: !up bitcoingirl
benkay: (feel free to omit the +, bitcoingirl, it just indicates that this handle has voice)
benkay: !up bitcoingirl
benkay: bitcoingirl: do you have enough yet to castrate this whole charade in the mainstream press?
jurov: bitcoingirl obviously karpeles was on the board
benkay: bitcoingirl: d'you get the drift?
benkay: bitcoingirl: DATA?
BingoBoingo: bitcoingirl: There is a differance between beings, and external recognition of being
benkay: bitcoingirl: MPEx is already an SRO.
chetty: bitcoingirl, no, he{s here. give it a few hours
jurov: bitcoingirl you prolly want this: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/06/03/the-sec-bares-its-gums-and-settles-with-erik/
jurov: ;;google bitcoingirl site:log.bitcoin-assets.com
kakobrekla: i thought i saw bitcoingirl inthere one of these days
BingoBoingo: !up bitcoingirl
BingoBoingo: !up bitcoingirl
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, bitcoingirl, cevidad, congrats, hydruid, Immukization, Immuzikkation, jmcorgan, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, and ryepdx.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, bitcoingirl, cevidad, congrats, decimation, gaantr2, hydruid, Immukization, Immuzikkation, jmcorgan, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, and ryepdx.
mircea_popescu: they're butthurt that guys can go "bitcoinjesus" but they have to go "bitcoingirl"
mircea_popescu: pankkake: it's weird to name yourself bitcoinwoman << about as weird as bitcoingirl. kinda lulzy how female identity is constructed in th eeng;lish space
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl: what is this gribble that keeps coming up? << she's adowable isn't she.
benkay: ;;later tell bitcoingirl a pox on your uncritical republication of fundation noise
benkay: ;;later tell bitcoingirl oh, you're shilling for the foundation too now? http://nmllplaw.com/attorneys/marco-a-santori/ << "Bitcoin lawyer"
Apocalyptic: <bitcoingirl> if i want to short BTC, what would be a good strategy? // borrow them from someone
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: I'm a major shareholder in a group of companies
fluffypony: !up bitcoingirl
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: every time I've tried doing any sort of short-term trading I've lost money...I'd avoid that space unless you have tons of experience
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: which part, the market info from gribble?
BingoBoingo: bitcoingirl: It's a bot that reports information.
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: the movement started on Bitstamp
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: like if someone puts up a bunch of offers to buy Bitcoin at $450 each totalling $200k, when the market is at $460, that's a buy wall
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: buy a significant quantity of Bitcoins, setup structured buy walls below market value to create the illusion of demand, all sorts of things can be done to try get it going
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: it was rallymoad
BingoBoingo: bitcoingirl: It was probably people on twitter telling Gavin to shut up that did it.
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl ok but make it quick cause i gotta go to town in a few minutes.
mircea_popescu: !up bitcoingirl
fluffypony: a wild bitcoingirl appears?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoingirl http://abitcoingirl.tumblr.com/ that yours ? or a contender appears ?
gribble: bitcoingirl was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 0 days, 3 hours, 26 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <bitcoingirl> Sunlot Holdings was formed for this very reason
mircea_popescu: ;;seen bitcoingirl
ThickAsThieves: i totally misunderstood what you were asking bitcoingirl to do
Naphex: bitcoingirl: http://bitcoin-otc.com/trust.php / http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/04/11_bitcoin-assets-new-wot-and-voice-model.html / http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/OTC_Rating_System
gribble: User 'BitcoinGirl', with keyid None, fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1MYtkWgJifWpLdjiK7AcLgGUhZNP297orA, registered on Sun Apr 7 20:05:51 2013, last authed on Sun Apr 7 18:05:51 2013. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=BitcoinGirl . Currently not authenticated.
pankkake: ;;gpg info bitcoingirl
Naphex: bitcoingirl: you should learn about gpg and WoT and stuff if you're gonna hang ;]
assbot: Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes.
Naphex: !up bitcoingirl
jurov: or, what do you mean with it bitcoingirl?
assbot: Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes.
davout: !up bitcoingirl
pankkake: !up bitcoingirl
Apocalyptic: so no trilema article regarding that convo with bitcoingirl I guess
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves the bitcoingirl earlier.
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: here - http://i.imgur.com/nizKc8A.png
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: I'm teasing, hence the "kidding" added after
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl he's just being difficult :D
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: ok done, I nominated you for best ATM design.
fluffypony: bitcoingirl: who must we vote for? I missed the bits further up
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl yes.
assbot: Voicing bitcoingirl for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !up bitcoingirl
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user bitcoingirl: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=bitcoingirl | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitcoingirl | Rated since: never
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust bitcoingirl
jurov: heh what a suspension...i'd even bet whether mp changes bitcoingirl's stance toward bitcoin foundation
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl so what do you know about me ?
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl he used to run asicminer PTs and was on their board.