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Framedragger: it seems that tor main folx were banned from presenting at CCC this year (it's tradition that they normally do it every year), allegedly due to the
appelbaum debacle..
a111: Logged on 2016-06-06 15:10 asciilifeform: imho the only interesting mystery here is what it was, that was so loathesome, that even
appelbaum refused to do it and had sentence of shitburial carried out.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-06 15:01 asciilifeform: 'Hey there! My name is Jacob
Appelbaum. I'm pretty famous for stealing other people's research and putting my own name on it. I also spend a lot of my time pretending to be a badass hacker, but actually I can only barely code. I enjoy using my social capital, influence, and power in order to manipulate other people into getting what I want. From all that, it's pretty clear that I'm awesome! However, in severa
shinohai: TIL
Appelbaum is a fruit not only in name.
BingoBoingo: Wait so her,
Appelbaum and all the other "exiled" Tor developers are in German?
ascii_field: ' The tweet had disappeared from view from US, in
Appelbaum's feed. From these posts,
BingoBoingo: Jacob
Appelbaum setting OWS fuckers up for greater surveillance...
BingoBoingo: decimation:
Appelbaum wasn't in the UK though, but in the proto-USA
decimation: asciilifeform: but
appelbaum has made himself interesting very publicly - your corner bobby could care less about someone like him
BingoBoingo: Who was it?
Appelbaum? Who caught some invader in his apartment on his 4th surveillance system after the first 3 were incapacitated.