19 entries in 0.544s
mp_en_viaje: a) who's doing the mega-logger ? i suppose i should quietly merge it into http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910378 ; give him a taste of "0, 1, infinity" especially as it works when everyone's sitting on ass "what's your opinion on this thing i read about on wikipedia", ie "every one turns into an infinity", huh. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so they did what they do, "band together and preternd on a 1. 1 >0 even if 1 != the infinity it should be"
mircea_popescu: there's in fact two separate problems. one of them is that large walls of robot generated text are hostile to human habitation. the OTHER however, is that the news value of the first factor of a modulus exceeds the news value of all subsequent factors summed by degrees of magnitude, because of the 0, 1 infinity rule.
a111: Logged on 2015-06-14 16:31 mircea_popescu: that's ok, the rule is 0 1 infinity.
a111: 13 results for "0 1 infinity", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=0%201%20infinity
mircea_popescu: !#s 0 1 infinity
mircea_popescu: it's capped at 2 because 0 1 infinity. why 3 ?
pete_dushenski: 0, 1, infinity. tax over 20% >>>>> 80%
mircea_popescu: similarity, specificity, standardisation. 0, 1, infinity.
mircea_popescu off to ammend the rule, 0 , 1, infitnity MINUS ONE, infinity.
mircea_popescu: that's ok, the rule is 0 1 infinity. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: on the 0 1 infinity scale i readily see why 1 rather than 0, i just don't grok why infinity rather than one.
mircea_popescu: that's exactly what happened : some engineer made 1/0 shorthand for infinity trying to fit their code into the insect
mircea_popescu: "You discover that one day, some idiot decided that since another idiot decided that 1/0 should equal infinity, they could just use that as a shorthand for "Infinity" when simplifying their code. Then a non-idiot rightly decided that this was idiotic, which is what the original idiot should have decided, but since he didn't, the non-idiot decided to be a dick and make this a failing error in his new compiler. Then he d
benkay: 0, 1, infinity
mircea_popescu: 0, 1, infinity rule. either nobody knows who he is, which clearly can't be the case,
benkay: 0 information leakage is a secret kept by 1 person. some information leakage happens when more than 1 person knows stuff. eventually, all information will leak. infinity?
mircea_popescu: 0/1/infinity is the rule
mircea_popescu: 0, 1, infinity.