34 entries in 0.479s

mircea_popescu: look at dooglus's mishandling of
justdice, no need to go further.
BingoBoingo: I kind of want some Klye
JustDice porn fic, but I don't want it enought to throw away more than a Bitcent on it.
Naphex: dooglus: ever tought about putting out an API? I've heard of guys who'd want to put
JustDice in a Romanian Gabling Machine :)
Duffer1: if he stopped accepting deposits and wasn't holding fiat at all.. and got lucky on
jurov: you'd prolly need to place the eggs near major
justdice players :D
jurov: then how does that relate to
jcpham: what is all dis
justdice drama
gesell: could assbot intigrate with open investment places like
Apocaly: i heard KYLE is living on $10 a week according to a recent
justdice chat
ThickAsThieves: isnt this the kid that shadowed that
justdice sharpie girl?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller yup, was my motto for
justdice, "perfect for the forum investor"
mircea_popescu: iirc this is the guy that delivered a reasonably bad beat to
justdice ?
mircea_popescu: s.dice used to be the bitcoin dice site, but seems
justdice stole that crown
jurov: jborkl you made 45btc from
justdice or iDiffs?
justdice also plays a nice role in curbing AM price shooting up
mjrIII: did
justdice make 5k bitcoins last month
Bugpowder: MattFoster just lost another 150BTC on
JustDice kingofsports: yes now it is because of
justdice and other sites.