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mp_en_viaje: "Choice # 1, I couldve been your average selfish prick, divorced your mom, stayed put
& rode that motherfucker out till the wheels fell off, that being my insanely successful burgeoning radio / nightclub
& mobile DJ careers which wouldve immediately brought me mountains of money, piles of pussy and lasting local fame and God only knows what else in the long run. I gotta admit, that was a pretty sweet fuckin option."
mp_en_viaje: and yes, that's right : redditard.ARealMan gotta have a vasectomy. realization through derealization
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in redditard contemporary fiction, "Havin kids is a bitch. Its like slammin the fucking breaks on every hope, dream
& aspiration youve ever had in your entire life, simultaneously, unless of course youre like most women and having kids was your only
& every hope, dream
& aspiration youve ever fucking had since the second you came out of the last woman with the exact same original fucking epiphany,
mp_en_viaje: he's on the same banned imbeciles index, with ben stiller and the 80s "careerwomen quality holywood" idiots, demi more
& co.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, the fact that trilema doesn't really suffer from "rotating ddos" aka, some dork with a wp list
&c, is that trilema is an adult service, rather than a flavour of above mentioned, "virtual server, fiddy bux"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 12:42:53 asciilifeform: ( and chix, but from designated breeding grounds which afaik at no pt included wallachia
& co )
mp_en_viaje: these schloss things are more like overgrown bed
&breakfast in practice, and i don't intend to run a motel.
mp_en_viaje: but they had the white shirt / black "bulletproof" vest
& baseball cap uniform.
mod6: Not much to even blog about at this point. I basically just showed up, handed in my laptop
& sec badge. "I don't work here any more. kthxbye."
mp_en_viaje: (approx -- these whores
& cunts are bad news, only men can be loving
& trustworthy!)
mp_en_viaje: there's the two liner above linked ; there's another one line in a discussion of
another film. but i clearly remember taking the time to discuss this over paragraphs, i just don't remember where the fuck
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-26 13:19:48 diana_coman: mircea_popescu: once the new voice model comes in, is the L1 redefined accordingly too? iirc there are some priviledges such as "can use feedbot
& deedbot only if in L1", right? spyked or trinque might correct me here.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: once the new voice model comes in, is the L1 redefined accordingly too? iirc there are some priviledges such as "can use feedbot
& deedbot only if in L1", right? spyked or trinque might correct me here.
mircea_popescu: yes. "a one cell table" is just a clunkier div. and the problem with div (
instead of span) is that it... breaks the line where it starts.
mircea_popescu: if one just goes by the persuasion tradewinds, this lever's permanently stuck to position one ; and ridiculous nonsense flows downstream, superficially visible as "
old men in power have been behaving badly" or w/e currently fashionable cri de guerre of the retard camp.
mircea_popescu: the only available support for such bootstrap is this kind of indicia, "why are my self-perceived needs conflict with my betters' designs". it could,
surely, be the case they're fucked in the head. i'm sure they often are.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 07:34:07 mircea_popescu: oh, and is
this a search bug, btw ?
mircea_popescu: this whole pile is however a massive lesson in evolution-vs-design thematics
& tropes ; that "the function creates the organ" is musky throughout ; the blogger's retrospect ("had i not done x it'd never have occured to me to do y") omnipresent ; and so following.
diana_coman: on the other hand, since he's been apparently slaving away in web-shitstack
& python for ages, he'll have a stab at the
multi network bridging thing; we'll see if he cuts or breaks his teeth on it
mircea_popescu: moreover, functional technology (as epitomized by
Bitcoin) is definitionally, necessarily and unavoidably anti-socialist. so much so that reliably one can use the reverse heuristic : if something doesn't shit on the needy, doesn't it make it harder for the stupid and more expensive for the poor, that something is most likely shit, not technology
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-22#1937512 << it's also not specifically verbotten to threaten the republic. god knows i threaten my own slavegirls, dedicated as you couldn't believe and truly and honestly with nothing else in their hearth but my... well, not my aggrandization per se nor my loving extension... i'd say just that earnest
& motherly "i wish this man to get perecisely as great as he possibly cou
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-18 23:59:43 asciilifeform: ^ i'ma finally cycle that thing in coupla days, bvt's reconnector
& mircea_popescu's 'plox to mark crosspostism' to swap in.
mircea_popescu: so do me a favour an' never spend your cycles sitting there trying "to figure out" what "
your destiny is". it ain't anything, you're not a livresque personage. not YET. and you don't HAVE TO BE, either.
mircea_popescu: once you divide by 0, you'll get any other result you want ; once you buy
this pantsuit idiocy of "try to guess what
your life might mean in context", your life will be an endless AND DOOMED quest to rid yourself of pantsuitism.
diana_coman: well yeah, it actually comes with a lot of "if x then y" but the supply is just the most obvious
& well documented.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:45:46 asciilifeform: 'old age
& treachery beat youth
& vigour erry time' or how did it go.
mircea_popescu: ight there, growing all shades of purple-pale
& stacojiu, thrown from disbelief to rage an' dipped in all possible torment.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 14:19:48 lobbes: In other words, this is
step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 14:19:48 lobbes: In other words, this is
step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
lobbes: In other words, this is
step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
BingoBoingo: Probably would have made more sense to film at the Punta Carretas Shopping
& Prison
mircea_popescu: not like there's no precedent. it was recently illegal to be named ito, sato, suzuki