7800+ entries in 0.727s
mircea_popescu: speaking of condoms... for many years, i was using imported magnums. broke like...i dunno, twenty over a decade ? easily 1%. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: http://r.duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.everyjoe.com%2Ffiles%2F2011%2F02%2Fshakira-nice-ass.gif << in ascii
ben_vulpes: re previous thread: "profits of 1% on revenues of 1 billion! we're rich!"
decimation: they claim a 50% reduction in bitrates with 'equal mos'
assbot: New Patent Pool Wants 0.5% Of Every Content Owner/Distributor's Gross Revenue For Higher Quality Video - Dan Rayburn - StreamingMediaBlog.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1DG95Qh )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-07-2015#1212358 << romania has a mandatory scheme (for the insurers - you may not obtain permit to sell insurance if you don't offer it to ANYONE!) that costs something ridiculous like 0.01% ☝︎
decimation: nubbins`: mine runs about 0.5%
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-07-2015#1211744 << cf http://www.morfix.co.il/%D7%AA%D7%96%D7%9B%D7%94%20%D7%9C%D7%9E%D7%A6%D7%95%D7%95%D7%AA and https://translate.google.com/#iw/en/%D7%A2%D7%9E%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%AA ☝︎
nubbins`: 12% provincial tax, 7% federal
nubbins`: which worked out, in practice, to ~20%
nubbins`: 14% Jan 1 2016
nubbins`: sales tax here is 13%
asciilifeform: i'll also add that u.s. states are pretty good at milking the aphids - sales taxes of 5-10%
mircea_popescu: here's a fun factoid for you : just a shade under half of the us registered population (which means, about 60% of the actual population) pays no income tax.
ascii_field: dulap is 100% up to date chainwise
pete_dushenski: $amzn up 17% after-hours on an announcement of... profit !
pete_dushenski: but if i say that 0.5% is too small, what's a better proportion ? double digits doesn't sound unreasonable.
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell asciilifeform nice finds. yes, treblinka wasn't -only- rebellion, but 0.5% of jews killed in 'shoah' fought back in the way depicted in those films. not great.
BingoBoingo: E350 routinely pulls 25-33% CPU use staying sync'd not including new block spikes
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: cheap, and 100% blobless-linuxable and 'coreboot'able. what's not to like.
mircea_popescu: i guess it's the fate of the aspiring 14% to never know what actually sunk their decade of effort.
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 01:15:25; gernika: mod6 let me know if there's anything else I can do to help with this. Would suck if x% of pogos wedged at 168001
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-07-2015#1210123 << especially if that x is 70% ☝︎
asciilifeform: https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043'58.0%22N+93%C2%B033'17.0%22W/@38.7532816,-93.5389835,192m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 << crater ?
asciilifeform: https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043'58.0%22N+93%C2%B033'17.0%22W/@38.7478733,-93.5486403,192m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 << spare noses ?
asciilifeform: https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043'58.0%22N+93%C2%B033'17.0%22W/@38.7393126,-93.551019,96m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 << dafuq is that
decimation: can see one parked out front: https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043%2758.0%22N+93%C2%B033%2717.0%22W/@38.7280112,-93.5562417,170m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
phf: https://9c02d171-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/gascopter/Description/3%20diff%20with_numbers.jpg
asciilifeform: 1% who ?
mircea_popescu: im enamoured with this ballas notion - 1%, 14% aspies, 85% derps.
mircea_popescu: it may well be 14% of kids are in fact napoleon.
mircea_popescu: you know, incidentally, im not so sure that 99.999% figure.
decimation: especially since 99.999% of 25 year olds are not napoleon
gernika: mod6 let me know if there's anything else I can do to help with this. Would suck if x% of pogos wedged at 168001 ☟︎
mod6: we saw stuff like that before with the 168`001 Verify Signature fail too. most of the time it failed for us... the three of us who were independantly testing it. But sometimes, it'd pass. Maybe 30% of the time. I was pulling my hair out. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 17-07-2015 01:50:46; asciilifeform: decimation: 'telco 214' is the owner of a single ip which houses, as far as i can tell, at least 2% of current net hash.
asciilifeform: http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=asciilifeform%3A+ben_vulpes%2C+mod6%2C+mircea_popescu%2C+jurov%2C+et+al%3A+http%3A%2F%2Fdpaste.com%2F0YSCME3.txt
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://www.phylomemetic-tree.de/spackeria/daily/%23spackeria.03-24.log << http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B412BD191BF10DAB6AAB6A8779A3F08D31AC5E3FB748DDBFB1DB18CDF05B6BEF
BingoBoingo: processor is amd e350 so takes ~25-33% CPU utilization around the clock just keeping up with Bitcoin when sync'd
assbot: 0 results for 'http://www.righto.com/2015/05/bitcoin-mining-on-55-year-old-ibm-1401.html' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.righto.com%2F2015%2F05%2Fbitcoin-mining-on-55-year-old-ibm-1401.html
assbot: 0 results for 'судьбы моей рычаг' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8C%D0%B1%D1%8B+%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%B9+%D1%80%D1%8B%D1%87%D0%B0%D0%B3
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-07-2015#1207408 << hack on production, automatic 100% keystroke deplyoment ☝︎
mircea_popescu: they took 4% last year and are in the workforce at 2% ?
mod6: <+phf> ben_vulpes: because makefile.unix expects them, (search for obj/nogui/%.o: %.cpp, etc.) << ben_vulpes yeah this stuff ☟︎
phf: ben_vulpes: because makefile.unix expects them, (search for obj/nogui/%.o: %.cpp, etc.)
shinohai: i offer no patches. I control my server 100% with crude shell scripts xD
mod6: for anything to make it into the next release, the patch must be 100% perfect and apply perfect. if I hvae to do any mental gymnastics or gyrations to apply a patch or whatever, it wont make it in. there's already a large enough scope on this release.
decimation: apparently wisconsin, daktoas german ancestry is 'self reported' to be ~40%, roughly 20% through the midwest
pete_dushenski: "The ten largest ancestries of American Whites are: German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.2%), Italian Americans (5.5%), Mexican Americans (5.4%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), and Norwegian Americans (1.5%)" << via 2008 census bureau
decimation: I think more than that, more like 50%
pete_dushenski: what's 'significant' ? 10% ? 20% ?
assbot: 1.7 billion "anonymous" comments from 5% of the internet ... ( http://bit.ly/1HF6O9w )
mircea_popescu: and to think 99% odds are all these shenanigans is because the sexually deprived twerp was trying to get laid with some marginally fuckable middle aged woman.
assbot: BitBet - Netflix Inc will trade at least 790 USD per share before July 24th :: 1.26 B (21%) on Yes, 4.64 B (79%) on No | closed 23 hours 38 minutes ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1Mbt0xs )
asciilifeform: <mod6> It drives me nuts, because I can't find a regular old-school (even a plastic one with a normal pour spout) to save my life. Might have to check at garage sales or something. All major stores only carry Soviet Gas can. << this is mega-lulzy because ~actual~ soviet gas cans were 100% metal, on the german pattern
danielpbarron: jurov, /dev/root 109G 58G 45G 57% /
assbot: 0 results for 'http://block777.com/' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fblock777.com%2F
mircea_popescu: top browsers : WgetYes392,47585.8 %
ascii_field: 100% musl though
trinque: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yume_K%C5%8Dj%C5%8D:_Doki_Doki_Panic#Yume_K.C5.8Dj.C5.8D:_Doki_Doki_Panic
pete_dushenski: $goog pops 15%, $etsy 26% this morning.
mats: https://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ%3ARPD << rapid7 had an IPO
decimation: http://www.cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822%2815%2900671-5 "Here, we demonstrate that the three-dimensional geometry of cortical surface is highly predictive of individuals’ genetic ancestry in West Africa, Europe, East Asia, and America, even though their genetic background has been shaped by multiple waves of migratory and admixture events."
asciilifeform: (for worse? sure! where i live, what comes out of the filling station is 10% ethanol ~by law~)
mircea_popescu: a man batting < 1% is certainly not possessed of a clue in the field.
asciilifeform: decimation: 'telco 214' is the owner of a single ip which houses, as far as i can tell, at least 2% of current net hash. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: and in particular, http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/ConvertTiffToPDF?storagePath=COR1%5C2003%5C0421%5C80916068.Tif&documentNumber=P97000056647
asciilifeform: more lulz, http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=TELCO214US%20P970000566471&aggregateId=domp-p97000056647-66b1a73f-30ca-492d-9daf-a39cf89e72cb&searchTerm=Telco%20214%20Us%2C%20Inc.&listNameOrder=TELCO214US%20P970000566471
thestringpuller: I found that during the "spam attack" my node was using almost 90% of it's upstream bandwidth relaying transactions.
mircea_popescu: anyway, 30% tax is what the usians are doing, and there aren't multiple thinkers going in the western world, so.
mircea_popescu: prolly a 30% tax.
mircea_popescu: so basically 1`000`000% returns. gotta be a record
decimation: but the bottom line is that 70% of their wealth is invested in stuff that isn't available to the above shoeshine boys
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-07-2015#1202786 << you probably misunderstand how attached men that made fortunes get to the fortunes in question. a year evaporated 90% of my billion net worth, i can assure you the only thing i pissed on were womenz. ☝︎
nubbins`: in fact, due to accelerated payments, the house could lose 40% of its value over the next 5 years and we could still sell it for a profit
nubbins`: mine from ~4 years ago is around 3.6%
nubbins`: i think we renewed at smth like 2.5%?
asciilifeform: 100% in the contract.
nubbins`: http://www.thetelegram.com/News/Local/2015-07-14/article-4214517/Residents-don%26rsquo%3Bt-have-to-allow-assessors-in%2C-says-councillor/1
nubbins`: .005% active ingredient
nubbins`: asciilifeform iirc, a kg of brown substance that's 5% hashish and 95% chocolate is considered a kg of hash
cazalla: Naphex, tough sell to market to bitcoiners though.. i don't know what the numbers for mfc are like but i don't imagine more than 5% of visitors actually buy coins to tip the ladies with.. fewer people have bitcoins and i'd bet a smaller percent would be willing to part with em for cam girls, at least at this point in time
nubbins`: starbucks would 100% kick you out
cazalla: fluffypony, yeah i'd target that and if Naphex is offering 5-10% of the the tips as referall payments, pay those you sign up 1/3 to 1/2 of that to sweeten it and incentivise em to use your links (i wonder how this would work with coinbase $25 sign up.. offer em $10 additional bonus)
Naphex: thinking 5...10% of the mbtc tips routed to the referral
chetty: just think how great the net would be if all of a sudden all the ddos stopped, wonder what % of net traffic is that?
trinque: 100% right
ben_vulpes: pay in cash for a 15% discount. half of the savings from not paying the tax man to the person paying, half to the merchant.
pete_dushenski: https://www.google.ca/finance?q=SHA%3A000001&ei=4eKlVbnyNcmpmAGzyoXICw << aha ! magicked back into existence... and down a quick 1% for a total of -3.65% on the day.
pete_dushenski: "Roman Dahl ‏@dahlroman 2m2 minutes ago #Chinese GDP beats the estm. 7% Y/Y vs 6.8%; Shanghai -2.17%; 24% of firms in trading halt."
asciilifeform: i esp. like the 100% open bios
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: worst possible choice. plenty of boxes with identical specs costing 50-60% of what crapple wants
shinohai: Here is the beast that will solve all your time issues: http://www.ebay.com/itm/IBM-Computer-Terminal-and-Monitor-LCD-Quartz-Mini-Clock/111704622008?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29980%26meid%3Deaed39f400a34191b05cad268f8d3baf%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D111680976291
ascii_field: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MXCHIP/MICO/master/MICO/Library/RF%20driver/wlan_firmware.c << and ~here~ is an example of what chinese consider to be 'open source'.
assbot: Logged on 13-07-2015 07:35:15; mircea_popescu: nobody has "any trust" of the theoretical verbal kind in banks, then they go use them 100%
punkman: Deutsche Telekom owns 40% already
mircea_popescu: nobody has "any trust" of the theoretical verbal kind in banks, then they go use them 100% ☟︎
mircea_popescu: aren't these the same banks that stole 90% of cypriot funds a coupla years ago ? what trust.
assbot: The 99.99% pure climate consensus – how to ignore thousands of skeptical scientists « JoNova ... ( http://bit.ly/1IU89O8 )
mircea_popescu: this is how the current "45% of network is dumb as rocks" thing has appeared