1000+ entries in 0.065s
shinohai: rofl danielpbarron
shinohai: Could this be a project for us danielpbarron ?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-11 16:54 danielpbarron: trinque, oh lol ur right sorry
a111: Logged on 2018-01-11 14:41 danielpbarron: !~later tell trinque ok i finally got around to looking at this cuntoo thing. machine can't load the kernel. when i chroot to try to rebuild it, i can't even mount /dev points or df -h
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: they're in stock ( both here and at danielpbarron's , last i knew )
TomServo: danielpbarron: wasn't it 600 a week or two ago?
TomServo: asciilifeform: aha, I just noticed danielpbarron lowered his price.. so I was curious.
asciilifeform: TomServo: there is also a fiatola dealership, run by danielpbarron , ask him for current price there.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron well yeah, kinda how this worked was that here's last year's list, what changes do you want.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron isnt it ?!
a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 13:50 shinohai: !!rate danielpbarron 3 #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church
shinohai: danielpbarron: heh me too ... I updated your rating here http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760626 but isn't reflected ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-09 05:34 danielpbarron: you gotta wait a sec lol
Matthew: danielpbarron: i was just trying to get some free cyrpto
asciilifeform: Matthew: if you are looking for something danielpbarron said some time earlier, there is the log , http://btcbase.org/log
asciilifeform: danielpbarron ?
ReadErr: danielpbarron: ?
ReadErr: that danielpbarron spoke of
lobbes: no takers on danielpbarron's FG
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-12-18 20:44:22: <lobbesbot> AUCTION # 163 has ENDED: The very notebook displayed in http://trilema.com/2017/of-ducks-and-lameness/ ! Free shipping anywhere in the world included. SOLD to danielpbarron for 1mn coppers. Attn: mircea_popescu
gabriel_laddel: danielpbarron where are you located? I'm in cincy getting a job now to pay for some flights to see people like you
trinque: danielpbarron: ty; if you made it to user creation you were done with the build
trinque: danielpbarron: lol, classic "next" mashing.
trinque: danielpbarron: how'd that cuntoo build go
ReadErr: danielpbarron: did you do that pcb?
trinque: danielpbarron: only one OP returns an OTP
ReadErr: on danielpbarron's ratings
ReadErr: !!ratings danielpbarron
ReadErr: !!rating danielpbarron
lobbes: !!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q4/danielpbarron.txt
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 19:55 danielpbarron: started again and script is still chugging along nicely
trinque: danielpbarron: post updated
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 16:43 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron wanna call 512-892-0494 see if mr ritter wants to audit fg ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron wanna call 512-892-0494 see if mr ritter wants to audit fg ? ☟︎
Meepsheep: ATTENTION jhvh1 ATTENTION midnightmagic ATTENTION pete_dushenski ATTENTION Framedragger ATTENTION The20YearIRCloud ATTENTION diana_coman ATTENTION gribble ATTENTION punto ATTENTION mimisbrunnr ATTENTION chrono ATTENTION aegis ATTENTION trinque ATTENTION barpub ATTENTION danielpbarron ATTENTION deedbot ATTENTION mobile46836 ATTENTION StarmanDeluxe ATTE
Meepsheep: ATTENTION jhvh1 ATTENTION midnightmagic ATTENTION pete_dushenski ATTENTION Framedragger ATTENTION The20YearIRCloud ATTENTION diana_coman ATTENTION gribble ATTENTION punto ATTENTION mimisbrunnr ATTENTION chrono ATTENTION aegis ATTENTION trinque ATTENTION barpub ATTENTION danielpbarron ATTENTION deedbot ATTENTION mobile46836 ATTENTION StarmanDeluxe ATTE
Meepsheep: ATTENTION jhvh1 ATTENTION midnightmagic ATTENTION pete_dushenski ATTENTION Framedragger ATTENTION The20YearIRCloud ATTENTION diana_coman ATTENTION gribble ATTENTION punto ATTENTION mimisbrunnr ATTENTION chrono ATTENTION aegis ATTENTION trinque ATTENTION barpub ATTENTION danielpbarron ATTENTION deedbot ATTENTION mobile46836 ATTENTION StarmanDeluxe ATTE
ben_vulpes: there's no way that Lord_dpb in the l0de chat is danielpbarron is it?
deedbot: shinohai updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 3 << #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church
shinohai: !!rate danielpbarron 3 #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church ☟︎
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron idiots gotta idiot, they're not fucking dedicated to ANYTHING like they';re dedicated to the maintenance and perpetuation of the empire of idiocy.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 22:22 danielpbarron: wasn't indiancandy/sofiababy looking for a way to make bitcoin?
MTW: [16:55:48] <+trinque> danielpbarron: your boy MTW all set?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 22:22 danielpbarron: wasn't indiancandy/sofiababy looking for a way to make bitcoin?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758811 << how's danielpbarron 's radio voice ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 22:02 danielpbarron: relatedly, l0de expressed interest in running a "trilema infomercial" on his show. I told him he should bring it up in here, as i'm not sure what that should entail
shinohai: hmmm danielpbarron .... sofiababy may be good choice (though not one of my stable)
trinque: danielpbarron: your boy MTW all set?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: How's the frozen north?
MTW: danielpbarron: my withdraw never went through
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 05:13 deedbot: danielpbarron paid MTW 0.054
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756397 indeed ; drama afoot ? ☝︎
lollig400: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! elmkussi: whaack phf The20YearIRCloud asciilifeform danielpbarron ben_vulpes _whitelogger Framedragger ang-st gribble jurov shinohai mquander spyked mod6 MTW StarmanDeluxe punto yangwao_ Techman deedbot kjj dooglus mircea_popescu trinque mimisbrunnr
mircea_popescu: lol. hey, leave a way for danielpbarron to pay you
a111: 13 results for "l0de from:danielpbarron", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=l0de%20from%3Adanielpbarron
mircea_popescu: !#s l0de from:danielpbarron
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: danielpbarron was last seen in #trilema 15 hours, 36 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <danielpbarron> oh hah, that's way off huh
mircea_popescu: !~seen danielpbarron
l0de: where is our homie Danielpbarron
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: first the page renders with 500918: 12, then five seconds later 500918 now apparently has an age of 13 minutes
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron yeah, not too crazy about that behaviour either.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-23 16:56 danielpbarron: !~later tell trinque my 1.5 deposit from the other day finally confirmed, i hope that still gets to my balance
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ( recipe closer to danielpbarron's )
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron your memorabilitiem was sent earlier.
trinque: danielpbarron: how far in was your call
deedbot: danielpbarron rated douchebag__ 1 << l0de fan
deedbot: danielpbarron rated r41n 1 << l0de fan
deedbot: danielpbarron rated toohigh 1 << l0de fan
deedbot: danielpbarron rated douchebag_ 1 << l0de fan
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 02:40 danielpbarron: tell your boy l0de to get his key regged if he wants that free money
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 02:40 danielpbarron: yeah that was me
deedbot: danielpbarron rated Techman 1 << l0de radio fan
deedbot: danielpbarron rated rainrawr 1 << l0de fan
deedbot: danielpbarron paid MTW 0.054 ☟︎
deedbot: danielpbarron rated weevlos 1 << the weev, friend of Emily Youcis
rainrawr: danielpbarron: how do i register
MTW: danielpbarron that bot work or nah
trinque: danielpbarron: should be fine now
trinque: danielpbarron: you didn't put a number in your command...
a111: Logged on 2015-01-31 01:28 assbot: Successfully updated the rating for danielpbarron from 1 to 2 with note: He's sort of like an apostle.
trinque: how much coin did you offer him, danielpbarron ?
mircea_popescu: but look on the bright side danielpbarron : if that process ain't making you a scientist, nothing will.
a111: Logged on 2015-03-24 21:14 trinque: danielpbarron: you can use localmodconfig for that
hanbot: danielpbarron didja post somewhere about why you chose a kernel version not in repository?
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: plz post this barf if you still have it handy
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: you surely know what are ports
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: didja look in the stage3 ? were they in it ?
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: do you have a depoetteringization recipe for openbsd ?
trinque: danielpbarron: excellent re: preserving distfiles. I've got a few piles, bet asciilifeform has too
asciilifeform: i've been trying danielpbarron's ( which used , in turn, pieces of mine , which was merely a list of banned turds )
diana_coman: sounds like a very nice cake danielpbarron
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 15:28 danielpbarron: i've got over 1k USD in sales in just a week, but the last auction finished with no bids
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 15:21 danielpbarron: glad i replaced them but to be perfectly honest i'd have been better off keeping both the bitcoin spent while also buying the re-up. I justify it as a hedge against possible bitcoin price decrease and as a public service for the republic
BingoBoingo: It's something to look out for. Perhaps you could look into maximum desity apu traying too danielpbarron
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Have you thought about selling gentoo servers, specializing in easing the transition to Cuntoo?
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: dunno, sounds like your fg dealership was and still is an effective device for converting btc into fiatola to buy bread, at slightly higher efficiency than otherwise
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: not too late to do the latter, neh