5200+ entries in 0.541s
AdrianoOliveira: decimation: at least for the older ones that's true... people under 30 actually don't remembe
r/didn't experience that
jurov: AdrianoOliveira: I recently asked local atm owner about selling some, he quoted me 200eu
hanbot: how do you know you're even seeing all/most of the magic keys? maybe they were not intended to show up in public servers, and end there through some erro
trinque: there are a few magical files that need to be inside /us
r/local/portage or wherever the overlay may be
justJanne: And, tbh, math101 at university isn't supposed to work with numbers. Math 101 is set theory, logic, lists, trees, functions, relations, su
r/in/bijectivity, upper and lower bounds, complexity, etc.
trinque: this underscores the need to archive /us
jurov: ben_vulpes: it's source package that portage downloads automatically(with some exceptions) to /us
assbot: Logged on 07-05-2015 03:36:21; asciilifeform: stas@humanoid ~ $ ls -l /us
mircea_popescu: i think in some fields (retarded "make money while you sleep" "webmaste
r/businessmen" ; "infomercial products" from hyps to herbal whatevers ; etc) it might well work.
mod6: this is bizzare. i can only get the ssh keys to work /afte
r/ I set a password on the user acount on the instnace (in /etc/shadow). if the user doesn't have a password set, just asks for a pw when connecting. (gentoo uclibc hardened) am i missing something obvious?
BingoBoingo: Thing is around these here parts we prefer /
r/rbuttcoin to /
r/bitcoin by miles
r/buttcoin will probably flip. I've noticed that the same trolls on
r/GamerGhazi are on
assbot: Logged on 12-05-2015 00:22:47; decimation: suddenly flying
r/c aircraft went from pleasant hobby to malevolent drone warfare upon the people
decimation: suddenly flying
r/c aircraft went from pleasant hobby to malevolent drone warfare upon the people
☟︎ decimation: usg event wants to sit upon hobbyists who fly
r/c aircraft
cazalla: not exactly news or bragworthy, like the 5th time i've been banned from /
cazalla: the /
r/bitcoin mods fkn banned me the cunts :\
cazalla: davout, i think he is more likely to be trolling than a canary as you said on /
r/bitcoin.. the guy has had his childish tantrums on bitcointalk before in 40pt font
mircea_popescu: then lay them out, and powe
r/internet one side of the wall.
mircea_popescu: just make a power and internet hook=up so that each tile can in principle powe
r/be powered by and connect/be connected by each of its 4 neighbours.
gribble: Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporte
r/mircea-popescu', is not identified.
jurov: and why are defensive rada
r/anti-missile systems not ok then?
jurov: it's at least 18m eu