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mircea_popescu: i have nfi why they imagine this. in point of fact the system that delivers milk in a bottle so they don't have to milk their own cow is MORE complex, not less.
mircea_popescu: "automated" is a byword for "i don't have to do any work".
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-30#1634660 << "My motivation is primarily I don't want to learn all the over-complicated details of C, but at the same time I would like to be productive in a safe system language, a category in which Rust seems to be alone." ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: speaking of which, tell me, how come i can't buy a car where if it dents, i can just take off a panel and put in new one ? << I have exactly this fucking thing. Also most incidents that would dent metal don't dent.
ben_vulpes: tell me something i don't know
phf: i don't think aspirin though is a good example, because "obviously" there aren't any aspirin shortages. likewise there are obviously no housing shortages, doctor shortages, etc. etc.
phf: ben_vulpes: if your hendging against devaluation happens in bezzle terms, but your more tax is the "guberment done it", than this distinction makes sense. i don't think that in reality more tax just happens, it's a process by which devaluation graph gets readjusted
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i don't follow the connection between the 'stinky' synthetic fabrics and the bacteria
ben_vulpes: i don't find any of you funny either
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't give a shit about answers. i perceive i must send him a one liner "you should be ashamed of yourself", because HE SHOULD FUCKING BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF.
mircea_popescu: bing his floor. I want to be perfectly clear that there was nothing fun or kinky about this. I don't enjoy humiliation, and it was not a consensual part of our sex life."
mircea_popescu: "During these discussions there was a lot of gaslighting. One discussion in particular, he claimed that I had somehow deeply injured him (I don't remember what I did) and was inconsolable. I kept asking him what I could do, and finally he insisted that for him to feel better I needed to clean his floors naked. And I did it. I cried the whole time, in surreal horror. He cheered up and took photos of me, crying and naked, scrub
mircea_popescu: i don't explain the weird.
mircea_popescu: i don't give a shit about any excuses. this is the first, and the most important criterion of any place. no airport coolies, not civilised.
phf: i don't think fare was ever sane, but he at some point existed in similar space to asciilifeform, so people would mix the two together. i don't think anything he ever wrote was as lucid as "seven laws of sane computing", but a lot of highly abstract verbiage on imaginary systems designs
mircea_popescu: any evolution whatsoever means i don't want to touch that item.
mircea_popescu: i don't need five minutes to expose a bad collegiate paper, what's the exposure do ?
asciilifeform: i don't bring them up together out of superficial similarity, but from fundamental one -- v rejects 'merge' as a concept; ada rejects the promiscuous pointer and cast
mircea_popescu: fwiw, whichj isn't much, i don't expect perelman gave much of a shit about it all before, either. not exactly "driven into" or anythjing
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170328/#579 << for some reason "Exec exec unclutter" made me lol. i expect i don't understand how thr world etc.
phf: i think that was huai-dong cao, or maybe it was the xiping zhu. i don't remember now which one of those two was the main guy
mthreat: i don't have that yet
asciilifeform: ' I'VE NEVER sailed the Amazon, I've never reached Brazil; But the Don and Magdalena, They can go there when they will! ... Oh, I'd love to roll to Rio Some day before I'm old!' (tm)(r)kipling
asciilifeform: 'It's ok Jeff, if this new thing will have to be the Real Bitcoin then this new thing WILL be the Real Bitcoin. Point blank: money will never tolerate the sort of crap that has been pouring out of devtroop for the past while. I don't care you(*)'ve been dorking around with it for years and nobody told you it's wrong, that doesn't make it right, that just makes the little coven irrelevant enough. If current Bitcoin can't be made into
ben_vulpes: i'm not saying /paint your windows/ i'm saying salvage some vintage hardwood window frames that don't seal, lack double-panes etc, and do something pretty with them.
Framedragger: i guess so - it doesn't seem capable of leading one anywhere, so to speak. (this connects with (again) "generates nothing to be falsified"). iirc they tried to connect with "mirror neurons" etcetc "look we make it more concrete", but it was too eclectic / a cheat (don't recall, for anyone curious the article in question was iirc https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3223025/ )
asciilifeform: 'I don't really care about any details of @hdevalence's account. You made a mistake enabling & defending Jacob. Just apologize.'
Framedragger: to reframe into a pragmatic context, my log doesn't and won't for the time being (busy af) have search. as regards its formal status, i don't know man, but i'll just keep maintaining it :)
pete_dushenski: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/17077598_816066928547618_8162672392150188032_n.jpg << very similar to tudor of my youth. i don't recall the numbers or hashes being illuminated at night now that i think about it. maaaaybe the hands though.
asciilifeform: TomServo: odd, i don't see anything re timestamps in there
TomServo: Don't waste any more time on it. I'll verify some things.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I never wanted to be a great inventor. Still don't.
phf: my solutions to problems like that don't usually involve "bring in a 40mb package". i'd write a top level handler, that shows a modal x11 based repl/restart machinery. sort of poor man's genera ☟︎
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I don't like the regular stuff (adderall).
gabriel_laddel_p: fking annoying b/c it is EVERYWHERE around here, but I simply don't know anyone. Eg there was a 200lb meth bust miles from where I am staying.
asciilifeform: phf: interesting, and i don't recall ever seeing it used
mircea_popescu: because i sure as fuck don't want "free trade" and "open whatever" and "accessiblity" if what that means is that intel gets to rule it.
mircea_popescu: yes but i suspect you don't actually know what the word "concept" means.
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/fmGhw << i don't even know where to begin with this 'day in the life of 28yo credit suisse banker'. is bi that fucking cocksure that they think their readers will swallow pictostory about nice kid who plays squash and eats in cafeteria all day ? as if this kid isn't pushing dodgy shit onto worthless clients he and his bank don't give a shit about all because his higher-ups have some bad
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 23:34 mircea_popescu: tbh i have nfi how you could run trb in a vps. i don't think it's possible, not really. would be certainly quite the medal of merit on any software that can handle such.
asciilifeform: which, i suspect, is why they got lizarded away. 'they' don't want cheap radhard cpu, rom.
asciilifeform: i thought mircea_popescu was of the notion that you don't need economy of mass to do si fab.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i don't even see any mention of g3 lappy on the vendor's www
phf: pretty sure it won't, i even read a reason for it, but don't recall what it is anymore
asciilifeform: i don't recall ever installing gentoo, for instance, any other way
mircea_popescu: tbh i have nfi how you could run trb in a vps. i don't think it's possible, not really. would be certainly quite the medal of merit on any software that can handle such. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i don't have any quads yet
ben_vulpes: i don't think i want watercooled irreplaceable computronium
mircea_popescu: i imagine he ran. also i don't imagine he got any this year.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it was lulzy, "let's see your papers" "well i don't carry them" "why not ?" "the embassy told me not to because i'll get robbed." "oh".
ben_vulpes: i don't want to think about that
phf: i know a guy who rickshaws (in new york, now in austin), and loved it for that very reason. i think he stopped because young girls don't typically get pedicab, mostly drunken old women who "grab his ass" etc.
danielpbarron: shinohai, is this the set up to a joke? I don't know that there is a gender restriction imposed in the Bible
danielpbarron: i don't slow down for 'em
danielpbarron: i oppress them in a non violent way: I pass on the right. I don't let people follow behind me, or to my side. when I pass, I get it over with. and I never try to look at the people in the cars, which i've been told by people who do that it causes them to become apoplectic
mircea_popescu: look : if my slavegirl wears a red dress and i dun like it, i go "take that thing off". maybe i don't go anything. but i sure as fuck don't go "oh honey, red dresses aren't good."
mircea_popescu: i don't think he forgot.
mircea_popescu: "oh, big whoop, why oppress the niggers! not like i don't have my nice suit or my sane office"
mircea_popescu: i don't recall right off.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-11 21:36 phf: that's another reason, why i don't for example, "hack my python with vim like a real hacker". give me the filthiest, most feature rich IDE, where i can just push spacebar to get half of my scaffolding, or whatever kids these days
phf: but in structural carpentry by the way they don't use nails, drills and screws. (i have experience with that one, and last time i did a build i don't think we even had a hammer)
asciilifeform: i don't, note, take issue with folx who quit programming. i aspire to do it one day, myself.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't imagine he's proposing you don't use whatever tool you want for whatever job.
phf: but otherwise i use whatever. it's sort of like, if you don't have a hammer, you don't go pounding nails when you have nothing btter to do
a111: Logged on 2017-03-21 00:49 mircea_popescu: i know some clits i don't mind pushing 707 times.
mircea_popescu: i know some clits i don't mind pushing 707 times. ☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-20#1630030 << we had a thread where mp's said something like "i don't have rsi because i'm literate". ☝︎
ben_vulpes: i kind of don't care how to pronounce the shit, reading far more important to me now
lulcoinz: if there is a god, I don't think he gives a shit my (or anyone elses) prayers :)
mircea_popescu: "i don't give a shit about rutherford's labels" dun reduce to "there were none" except in your own frame.
trinque: but I don't think the person's reasoning involves their uselessness
asciilifeform: i am still thinking about the 'radium girls' mircea_popescu . for some reason most 'left'-flavoured historians don't mention the fact that they were paid 2-3x the market rate for 'generic unskilled gurl'
asciilifeform: i don't even presently have 1.
mircea_popescu: 3. the "payment platform" (all of these work on micropayments, obv) is a wrapper style thing (say, paymentwall, but there's at least 500 entirely identical items vying for a pie $lice with absolutely no distinction whatsoever) processes cards and also links to a pile of... i don'\t even know what these are. looks a lot like the silver age of porn really, early 2000s, where the various paysites kept trying to push each other.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-20#1629499 << as i understand 'innovative' is a barf trigger word for mircea_popescu , but i don't know of a more appropriate word. if q is re 'what useful things did you lift from microshit', and someone suggests 'fat16', i can only answer 'it was not innovation, did not originate from the loins of microshit.' ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( i don't recall, in my entire working life, cribbing a useful, solid piece of technical knowhow from microshit. )
a111: Logged on 2017-03-20 01:03 mircea_popescu: i don't recall being as pissed off with fat32 at any point throughout the 90s as i've regularly been hence.
mircea_popescu: i don't think there's a case in history where the shareholders got their money's worth.
mircea_popescu: i don't recall being as pissed off with fat32 at any point throughout the 90s as i've regularly been hence. ☟︎
phf: i don't have an alpha though, same reason i don't have a macivory, i don't want to have to study/rely on all these other architectures
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-18#1628941 << he was offered an out on his later trades, because "why buy a macivory if you already bought a better macivory??", but i don't think he's going to take it ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but ~everyone fucks on beds. i mean, i can see now and again taking girl out on nature walk and generously allowing her to lay on her back in the mud so you don't have to dirty yourself fucking her. but...
a111: Logged on 2017-03-17 12:46 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628626 << i don't see this at all. if you fuck a woman "normally" and she's not on the pill, you will obtain 8 kids in 10 years. you will also obtain an extremely shriveled woman, because like it or not females are essentially the cotyledon of children. biology is merciless and the ultimate empire, it dun care one whit your girl is smart and pleasant and worships you, it just cares to push o
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628626 << i don't see this at all. if you fuck a woman "normally" and she's not on the pill, you will obtain 8 kids in 10 years. you will also obtain an extremely shriveled woman, because like it or not females are essentially the cotyledon of children. biology is merciless and the ultimate empire, it dun care one whit your girl is smart and pleasant and worships you, it just cares to push o ☝︎☟︎
davout: i somehow just don't see it
davout: ben_vulpes: i think some don't
ben_vulpes: well at first i thought it was a good pun on don sancho using the portugese dao, and punning on teh dao attacker
mircea_popescu: "txn don't match what i have"
mircea_popescu: to which the only sane lucentio answer is "fu, i own them, and if you don't like it ask me."
mircea_popescu: i'm not even sure what the thought process is here, beyond "i don't want to store books because momstate makes libraries and oh, where did anything but cosmo go ?!"
davout: your copy of the blockchain being personal i don't see any other problem than peer-service, if, and only if, you've validated it as validly producing the UTXO set you consider valid
davout: i don't particularly care, just wondering about "you can do it with a system otherwise identical to traditional bitcoin"
davout: don't see how, as far as i know you can't craft a tx without providing the tx of its parents
mircea_popescu: you're a fine gent, standing on a pile of "because so and so, the sky is falling." "well... i don't see it fallen" "show me why not!"
asciilifeform: ^ do you see a check for previous existence here, mircea_popescu ? because i don't...
asciilifeform: and i don't mean trb
mircea_popescu: understand how consequences work : you can't at the same time "oh, nobody even told be item from my field of interest" and "oh i see from anthill". either you do or you don't, and broadly speaking i guess you don't.
ben_vulpes: epic pile btw, i don't believe for a second 4chan has worked through it yet.
danielpbarron: hey if she's saved i don't care what else she does. adopts a bunch of orphans, wonderful!
danielpbarron: i don't follow. because she was honest? perhaps i should clarify, i use whore to mean a woman who has sex with multiple men. harlot is a better word (friend of the world) but both are bad things: whether she is paid is irrelevant