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a111: Logged on 2019-02-12 14:13 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-12#1895234 <<
ffa uses exceptions strictly as 'fucking stop whole program (and if it's running on a micro, whole machine, and flash 'dead!' lamp) right nao!' , so won't impact. my understanding is that it'd impact only speed of the ~exceptions~, longjump is slower cuz it crosses pages -- cachaistically.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-12 13:18 bvt: i expect it will be slower, but it won't hurt to do the check. the impact will depend on how exceptions are used (i don't think it can have any impact on
ffa, for example). but i don't have enough experience with it to provide any numbers
bvt: i expect it will be slower, but it won't hurt to do the check. the impact will depend on how exceptions are used (i don't think it can have any impact on
ffa, for example). but i don't have enough experience with it to provide any numbers
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-02-05 14:49 asciilifeform: on that subj, attentive
ffa reader will notice in certain places asciilifeform marked in comment 'cosmic ray resistance' . this indicates mechanisms where there are two or more separate pieces that ensure a correct computation (or death with alarm bells) if somehow bit flips , when this is inexpensive.
mircea_popescu: yes "object oriented" verbosity is ridoinculous. nevertheless there is A LOT of meta involved that no ida ever sucks out, cuz it's not machine-accessible. which is why both eucrypt and
ffa published chapters look like they do.
mircea_popescu: education is this process whereby people are sharpened, not changed. if girl has it in her to outwrite your
ffa, she conceivably will, and if not, she will not. why's this something i'm to fret about ?
mircea_popescu: and then b) why and wherefore is "work" defined in terms of "
ffa improvements" ? thing's not even supposed to be ~improvable~.
verisimilitude: Alright; I'll keep that in mind when I am finally able to study your
mircea_popescu: "i can't do any
ffa work because i'm working on a manner in which to do it that wouldn't produce the idle inquiry of loc 6 months in"
shinohai: Not bad, just noticed last nite ave1's site back up so in process of building musl gnat today then on to revisiting
ffa stuffs
mod6: I'm even spending a few spare cycles on
FFA chapter 1.
diana_coman: yay, m-r on
ffa; now I'll really have to schedule
ffa feast during breaks from work, lol
phf: i don't understand how anyone can read the logs with one eye, this shit's exponential: i'm behind on
ffa, so the recent work on e.g. gcd or miller-rabin is particularly slow going.
bvt: i guess i could do some experiments here. the immediate question is that
ffa does plenty of FZ_Adds with different FZ'Length, so full unrolling would not really work (unless i miss something).
a111: Logged on 2019-01-20 16:23 asciilifeform: as i noted previously -- i do not expect to find any moar ~asymptotic~ speedups for
ffa algos , such that are relevant to the sizes of numbers typically used in public key crypto
bvt: my understanding is that asmism would go only for lower-level
ffa code, i.e. barret/modexp will remain as-is.
mod6: Would be awesome if Pizzaro could sell iron that can run cuntoo +
ffa + fg + trb out of the gate [ + others too, i.e. eulora, etc ]
a111: Logged on 2019-01-14 02:37 mircea_popescu: in other news,
ffa chapters are such a pleasure. it seems to me by now
ffa has become such a largest-rock in the loperos garden...
mircea_popescu: in other news,
ffa chapters are such a pleasure. it seems to me by now
ffa has become such a largest-rock in the loperos garden...