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decimation: the xilinx board?
asciilifeform: decimation: xilinx and altera both make tightly 'closed' chips, for reasons discussed in agonizing detail earlier
assbot: 19 results for 'xilinx' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=xilinx
asciilifeform: !s xilinx
RagnarDanneskjol: on the strreet, yes, but any industrial embedded stuff is still xilinx
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if it's a 'xilinx' or 'altera' - you're stuck with the vendor's closed turd.
asciilifeform: (actually there may be. fpga/cpu combo is a dime a dozen - xilinx made ppc/fpga cores for ages. but a modern pc arch cpu is something rather else)
asciilifeform: but at least these were traditional fpga and one could (at least in the case of xilinx) use linux toolchain, traditional vhdl/verilog, etc
asciilifeform: it was also the only xilinx chip with 100% documented internals.
asciilifeform: it does not automatically follow that one should not buy xilinx
asciilifeform: incidentally, xilinx might as well be run out of ft. meade
asciilifeform: the chinese, according to some, do make clones of various Xilinx units
benkay: sounds like the xilinx tools are designed to implement a certain set of routines in silicon but the silicon itself can't change the implemented routines until you bake the configuration of the fpga into the fpga itself. am i close?
asciilifeform: interestingly, xilinx and other vendors used to publish their internals, but that stopped in the mid-90s when they moved to a 'rent our code' business model
asciilifeform: likewise, and even more elementary: can't make a self-reconfiguring xilinx (or other fpga based) system without x86/unix in the loop unless you can ditch the vendor's toolchain
asciilifeform: benkay: can't make a self-reconfiguring Xilinx without knowing the exact bitstream format and internal layout.
benkay: asciilifeform: why do you need to reverse the xilinx toolchain? ☟︎
asciilifeform: wtf is with 'virtex' anyway. every time i think 'xilinx'. what's next? btc product called 'coca cola' ?
asciilifeform: never buy xilinx and altera boards new, they're pennies to the dollar on ebay and the like.
asciilifeform: both xilinx ('coke'), altera 'pepsi', and lattice 'inca cola' will happily eat both.
mjr_: http://www.xilinx.com/products/technology/ultrascale/index.htm#10961text
mjr_: i have some pretty good xilinx code myself
Vbs: Ken just gave them the optimized xilinx RTL code he optimized
asciilifeform: dub: an ordinary Xilinx proto board