27 entries in 0.404s
ben_vulpes: integration by s.limbs
adlai: in a shocking plot twist, s.limbs = coinbr ipo
adlai will open a coinbr account when s.limbs delivers ipo
jurov: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/serious-ipo-srsly.jpg << for newbs, this is s.limbs
adlai: jurov: what else did you think S.LIMBS was about anyways
assbot: 20 results for 's.limbs' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=s.limbs
williamdunne: !s s.limbs
BingoBoingo: !t m s.limbs
BingoBoingo: !t m s.limbs
DreadKnight: couldn't find info on s.limbs oh well
assbot: 15 results for 's.limbs' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=s.limbs
DreadKnight: !s s.limbs
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, since you mentioned s.limbs, where do I see info about it? http://mpex.ws/?mpsic=S.LIMBS does nothing;
benkay: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/220/2/e/the_witch_s_house___cut_off_the_teddy_bear_s_limbs_by_jedediah40_5d-d6h9znw.jpg // dunno why but that came up when googling for "s.limbs"
mircea_popescu: you can start with s.limbs
mircea_popescu: is this a re-do of the s.limbs ?
fluffypony: so after S.LIMBS I think mircea_popescu is going to have to do an F.LUFFY
jurov: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.LIMBS
gribble: s.limbs - MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.: <http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.LIMBS>; MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.: <http://mpex.co/>; dict.cc | limbs | Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch: <http://www.dict.cc/?s=limbs>
jurov: ;;google s.limbs
jurov: ;;g s.limbs
fluffypony: part of the S.LIMBS portfolio, innit?
fluffypony: this is the guy you're keeping to run S.LIMBS isn't it
bitcoinpete: peterl: s.limbs must be a joke then!
fluffypony: I'm so sad my S.LIMBS thread got deleted
davout: kakobrekla: no, fuck you, i like S.LIMBS moar
jurov: we can resume waiting for S.MNKY.. oh it got rebranded to S.LIMBS nao