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ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:12:20 mp_en_viaje: is pondering this wonder. wtf are you idiots doing over there ? srsly tryina come up with all this shit on your own, who knows, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, then i go read it on
qntra and what, maybe i agree, maybe i don't, in any case ~after the fact~, at which point as chance dictates, either i sever the link or not ?
mp_en_viaje is pondering this wonder. wtf are you idiots doing over there ? srsly tryina come up with all this shit on your own, who knows, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, then i go read it on
qntra and what, maybe i agree, maybe i don't, in any case ~after the fact~, at which point as chance dictates, either i sever the link or not ?
deedbot: dorion rated BingoBoingo 7 << not afraid to confront and strengthen his weak arm. writes at bingology.net ; editor of
qntra.net ; though Pizarro failed, he handled the liquidation well.
mircea_popescu: as per which foregoing coversation, the issuance of the long-overdue
qntra quarterly is delayed yet again. what can i do, apologies to the interested parties.
BingoBoingo: Give me one month to try to shed the alfisms, and make a hard outreach push to break the '
Qntra looks a whole like like BingoBoingo's other blog' appearance. I'll include a day by day in the weekly recaps, and if material improvement isn't showing in a month... I'll pledge to #ossasepia or #trilema-hanbot if they'll have me in their castles.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'll keep
Qntra hosted, and I'll mark a hard pivot into outreach. I'll start by shooting cazalla an email now to see if he's alive or succumbed to "life's cheaper" in Asia.
mircea_popescu: from where i'm sitting, the matter's not by wednesday evening.
qntra originally started in the other five year plan, you know, not the one ending recently, the one before that. cazalla did a little outreach, which is part of how eg you ended up there, but then found his way back to the spawnfarms.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, one of these days we're gonna have that talk about
qntra already ; you around ?