19 entries in 0.892s
mircea_popescu: or can have special purpose osen in other ways, and end up with lone trees.
mircea_popescu: depends on dependencies. eg you can have independent arm and x86 osen.
ben_vulpes: on the topic of OSen, there's also alphabet's new "very much not linux" https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/
mircea_popescu: it all comes down to WHAT is the special purpose. mind that the direction the bitcoin node os is taking is towards ~special purpose hardware~. this is very fucking different, whether you have special purpose hardware run by general purpose osen, or whether you have ibm at clone consumershit emulated into republican sanity by usg's flaour of special purpose os.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-18 19:25 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: not yet. pretty much struck out on heathen osen (osx and openbsd) and my linuxbox is mid-rebuild. replacing fans and having a hell of a time finding screws that fit the deeper "noctua" units. it's still on the list but not there yet.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: not yet. pretty much struck out on heathen osen (osx and openbsd) and my linuxbox is mid-rebuild. replacing fans and having a hell of a time finding screws that fit the deeper "noctua" units. it's still on the list but not there yet. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559844 << that's one way to ensure your box isn't compatible with unofficial osen : give it two! ☝︎
PeterL: obnoxious thing about winblows #67542: using \ as a directory separator rather than / like other OSen. bleh.
BingoBoingo: <davout> danielpbarron: i may have an old ipnohe lying around if you ever feel like upgrading your blawg's hosting << I suggested "edgerouter lite" more OSen available than pogo to pick from
mircea_popescu: no, which is why i don't hire osen.
mircea_popescu: the derps making osen treat the scrollback as a wholly separate, contextual-less buffer. it's not "what we just said to this guy"
pete_dushenski: the old osen come with their own limitations, however, like not being able to render random websites, eg. http://www.contravex.com/2016/01/14/they-dont-print-paper-catalogues-anymore-everythings-on-their-website/ (oakley's - which i only ever managed to use on... ios8 ipad)
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 21:09:59; pete_dushenski: e. also, that glibc is advertised as an 'essential' component of unix osen, but that it's very much something of a flying spaghetti monster
pete_dushenski: e. also, that glibc is advertised as an 'essential' component of unix osen, but that it's very much something of a flying spaghetti monster ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 04-12-2015 17:17:39; mircea_popescu: afaik dumbass osen (such as windoze) end up looking choppy because they handle the swap poorly and the windows manager ends up conflicted with some higher priority item on "memory" access
mircea_popescu: afaik dumbass osen (such as windoze) end up looking choppy because they handle the swap poorly and the windows manager ends up conflicted with some higher priority item on "memory" access ☟︎
asciilifeform: ferfuckssake, WHY do folks persist in trying to develop on retarded osen ?
mircea_popescu: if hypervisors fixed bad osen microsoft'd have been long fixed.
mircea_popescu: ok, so tell me about osen.