26 entries in 0.542s
mats: yeah wtf is this bet?
NFLX is at 114
NFLX: Summary for Netflix, Inc.- Yahoo! Finance
NFLX: Summary for Netflix, Inc.- Yahoo! Finance
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: next time dont fuck with my
NFLX short! << lmao. tat's out fo blood.
thickasthieves: hmm will
NFLX bleed more today, or Monday after earnings report?
ThickAsThieves: this week everyone is hopping on the GS-
NFLX-Buy is a scam bandwagon
mike_c: <+ThickAsThieves> yep, like GS unloading all their
NFLX this week << no no, there's an invisible wall between the trading desk and the rating guys. they have NO IDEA what each other are doing. really, they promise!
assbot: Caveat Emptor On Goldman Sach's Call On Netflix - Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:
NFLX) | Seeking Alpha
assbot: Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:
NFLX) News Analysis: Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) Upgrades Netflix To Buy
ThickAsThieves: i wonder how these things go IRL, like does her boss say "Please write a bullish
NFLX article"
ThickAsThieves: i thought it'd be an article saying
NFLX is going down