200 entries in 1.204s
bvt: 3. Musl calculates a simple hash over current time, address of variable on stack, and address of template to generate the random characters for mk*temp family of functions: http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/temp/__randname.c#n6
mircea_popescu: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Fantasy_book_1950_n6.jpg/330px-Fantasy_book_1950_n6.jpg << amusingly, EXACT pulp, as far as form is concerned.
assbot: Successfully unrated n6
ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.unrate.n6:688fc36e5d4d7348113e39b60c8097af5de60e92c5fbd11b1ac12ecb77d5632d
ben_vulpes: assbot:ben_vulpes.unrate.n6:688fc36e5d4d7348113e39b60c8097af5de60e92c5fbd11b1ac12ecb77d5632d
mircea_popescu: this is the counterposed thing. in this case, i would wish for N6 to know that a) abc and b) c ; whereas for N4 that a) abc and b) a OR b and finally for N2 that a) abc and b) a Or B or C
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider this problem for a moment if you will : have people a, b and c ; have nodes as follows : G(a,b,c) -> N1 (a, b, c) -> N2 (a, b, c) -> N3 (a, b) / N3' (c) -> N4 (a,b) / N4' (c) -> N5 (c) -> N6 (c).
shinohai: Did that n6 guy who was trying to build gentoo and get in wot ever come back with a new name?
shinohai: Varia_Varietatis = n6 ?
relaxedman: Still trying to get this gentoo install going(openbsd wouldn't support my gfx card no money to buy a new one) its n6, varia, but stuck on getting a window manager all the guides want me to change profiles. also not sure how wayland fits in any ideas?
trinque: n6: wherever you are, take note... following orders gets ya places
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2015 08:33:14; BingoBoingo: shinohai: I told n6 to just install OpenBSD. Then he found a guide to set up a "desktop" which convinced him to edit fstab (treat as read only). Got him to reinstall and find a saner guide. Didn't check his hardware and because Nvidia his resolution is painful. Directed to keep reading man pages.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: I told n6 to just install OpenBSD. Then he found a guide to set up a "desktop" which convinced him to edit fstab (treat as read only). Got him to reinstall and find a saner guide. Didn't check his hardware and because Nvidia his resolution is painful. Directed to keep reading man pages. ☟︎
shinohai: n6 finally decided what distro to use? After naming off like 20 yesterday?
BingoBoingo: cazalla: n6 managed to. Just needs 6 months to catch up to civilized folk.
Varia_Varietatis: I used to be n6 but lost my key.
asciilifeform: perhaps n6 would like it.
BingoBoingo: n6: And you are going to continue consulting the man pages when things go wrong?
BingoBoingo: !up n6 Tell these kind folks what you accomplished today.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell n6 Step 1: Just run OpenBSD for now Step 2: transcribe and build "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code" Step 3: Six monthe of logs should be up, then you may Gentoo
trinque: n6: just gotta pick *one* thing and make sense of *that8
shinohai: !up n6
trinque: !up n6
trinque: n6: what's called for there is you going and doing research at the points where you get stuck
kakobrekla: n6 that would prolly be a good step 1
assbot: Trust relationship from user trinque to user n6: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=trinque&to=n6 | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/n6/
trinque: !gettrust n6
kakobrekla: n6 your keys are all fucked is what i mean
trinque: n6: ^
trinque: n6: sounds like you are taking on too much at once.
trinque: n6: what's up?
trinque: !up n6
trinque: !up n6
trinque: !up n6
punkman: n6, you could also just fix your gpg config
ascii_field: n6: or use 'ports', or 'fink'
shinohai: !up n6
ascii_field: n6: relax.
ascii_field: n6: i.e. 'why to check sigs' is a question you should be able to answer
ascii_field: n6: please do your homework
ascii_field: n6: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000074.html
ascii_field: n6, shinohai: search the ml for 'pogotron'. yes, buildroot builds for arm, mips, whatever
shinohai: !up n6
mircea_popescu: find lsub, help out n6
trinque: n6: you may need to emerge linux-firmware; however, you're best off looking for gentoo support in #gentoo
danielpbarron: n6, i was never able to get wifi working on my gentoo install so good luck with that
shinohai: !up n6
asciilifeform: n6: please consider reading kernighan and pike's 'the unix programming environment'
asciilifeform: n6: trying to get hand-fed through this gnarly and unpleasant process will be frustrating both to you and to others
asciilifeform: n6: you will have to think and study on your own for a while.
asciilifeform: n6: since nobody else is standing up to do it, i will tell you the bad news: it appears that you are not yet ready for a source-based linux system
trinque: n6: I'm making a script that puts gentoo on a stick, or any block device really
asciilifeform: n6: nope
hanbot: n6 alright, so then make that your top priority.
hanbot: n6: get in the wot, don't pester people via pm, and forget about any braindamaged notions of "lobbying MP" you've cooked up for yourself.
hanbot: !up n6
mircea_popescu: how old are you n6 ?
shinohai: n6: http://backpage.com/
mircea_popescu: n6 same way you learn any language - find a native girlfriend.
assbot: Logged on 08-08-2015 17:15:00; n6: It means I didn't read to learn just read for enjoyment or until something got hard and gave up.
asciilifeform: n6: what did you do with the time you won ?
shinohai: !up n6
mircea_popescu: n6 notrly, i'm not much of a systems guy.
mircea_popescu: i srsly don't see a problem n6. relax an; enjoy.
mircea_popescu: n6 either i'm slow today or something's amiss. i don't get what exactly you think you did wrong from this story.
nubbins`: n6 heck, pull up a chair
nubbins`: n6 when you said "cypherpunk" i stopped caring :P
mircea_popescu: n6 how would you help him then ?
assbot: Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user n6: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=n6 | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/n6/
mircea_popescu: !gettrust n6
mircea_popescu: n6 what's your first language ?
mircea_popescu: n6 so say your story.
mircea_popescu: n6 work out ?!
mircea_popescu: !up n6
assbot: Logged on 08-08-2015 14:41:35; mod6: It took me 6 weeks to build that thing with tons of Trinque's help. n6: I understand your frustration totally.
mod6: It took me 6 weeks to build that thing with tons of Trinque's help. n6: I understand your frustration totally. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: !up n6
ben_vulpes: n6: that is beyond me, boss
ben_vulpes: deterministic doesn't have much to do with what you're working on n6
ben_vulpes: statically built programs do not link at runtime, n6
mircea_popescu: n6 something like that.
mircea_popescu: !up n6
ben_vulpes: n6: good way to make minimal progress on everything
ben_vulpes: n6: look up "dynamic linking"
asciilifeform: !up n6
mircea_popescu: !up n6
mircea_popescu: n6 you understand what a static build is ?
asciilifeform: n6: means you get same result regardless of phase of the moon
asciilifeform: n6: >> http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000133.html << him
asciilifeform: n6: plug the 5v cylindrical jack in
asciilifeform: n6: didja power that thing via microusb? needs >500mA if you actually use gadgets like this with that thing
mircea_popescu: n6 how did you pick that one ?!
ben_vulpes: omg the trials of n6
mircea_popescu: !up n6
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 06:40:09; n6: How would someone get gentoo installed without this level of support?
trinque: response to my interaction with n6
trinque: n6: btw, you survived gentoo quest; get in the wot :)
trinque: !up n6
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 13:13:30; mircea_popescu: <n6> Um, I'm in way over my head and going on 17 hours of gentoo << take your picture with your sad face next to a screen with gentoo failing on it, i'll pay you 0.1 BTC. just to prove a point.
mircea_popescu: <n6> Um, I'm in way over my head and going on 17 hours of gentoo << take your picture with your sad face next to a screen with gentoo failing on it, i'll pay you 0.1 BTC. just to prove a point. ☟︎