17 entries in 2.108s

a111: Logged on 2013-12-01 15:21 ozbot:
MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a
battery. - YouTube
mircea_popescu: not entirely clear to me what you're saying here. so the idea is, that because random upstart / usurper of minor crown enobled anyone who could read/write and hadn't rean off a century ago, it therefore follows that a man who could power a whole city out of hot reactor waste today does not do so because
mit graduates can't power a lightbulb with the
battery in hand. something like that ?
thestringpuller: the actual education even if considered "top class" results in
MIT graduates unable to light a bulb with
battery + wire
mircea_popescu: lmao! most expensive
mit in the world. also only place in the world where
mit grads can not use a
battery to light a bulb.
MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a
battery. - YouTube
MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a
battery. - YouTube
MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a
battery. - YouTube