35 entries in 0.642s

BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> it is an almost 'african' pattern, 'at one time my grandfather walked on a bridge, i heard... i'ma call meself Bob Bridgebuilder' etc << AHA,
marlinspike presented as "hippie recreational sailor"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the naming convention (moldbug,
marlinspike, etcetera) suggests someone in an office farm in maryland./
phf: i like how
marlinspike's whisper is the secure alternative to telegram. every time i mention telegram in any tech venue there's always some clown going "use whisper instead telegram is insecure!!!", because in their heads whisper, running on a fully locked down platform, obviously is
ben_vulpes: 2016, "put moxie
marlinspike in gossipd!"
funkenstein_: Chillum, go listen to moxie
marlinspike's talks on the topic
mircea_popescu: that b-a drives "biutcoin foundation" policy is not even remarkable. that assets like the
marlinspike dood are thrown in the fray to try and prevent a wot based republic however...
assbot: Moxie
Marlinspike >> Blog >> A Crypto Challenge For The Telegram Developers
ozbot: Moxie
Marlinspike >> Software >> sslsniff
ozbot: Moxie
Marlinspike >> Blog >> A Crypto Challenge For The Telegram Developers
ozbot: Defcon 18 Changing threats to privacy Moxie
Marlinspike Part - YouTube
ozbot: Moxie
Marlinspike >> Blog >> A Critique Of Lavabit