30 entries in 0.655s

mircea_popescu: spyked, guids in rss are the postid, this isn't exactly arbitrary, it's a numeric
gensym for the article -- guaranteed to monotonically increase over time.
mp_en_viaje: well anyway, regardless of implementation, the design idea there is that article title always has a ready
gensym in the shape of the numeric id of the table entry, which is unique and always known and therefore should be the fallback default.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-28 19:32 asciilifeform: funnily enuff, if working rng were standard on pc, 128bits from it would give unique-
gensym ( the supposed problem , according to the gcc nitwits, with mktemp , is collision ) without O(N) searching ( as in mkstemp) with probability ~1
phf: asciilifeform: that's not going to work cross-invocations though.
gensym is incremental across the instance, so same invocations should produce roughly same
gensym numbers
ben_vulpes: esthlos: i made a
gensym dir in /tmp, passed that to gpg for the workdir, and then various operations take a teardown key, defaulting to true which could be overriden to inspect keyring state should the operator so desire