1146 entries in 0.168s
kanzure: asciilifeform: http://gnusha.org/logs/2015-02-05.log
kanzure: asciilifeform: hplusroadmap is discussing said concept
kanzure: was not aware of gribble fork
kanzure: ah fascinating
kanzure: kakobrekla: how was i able to "!up" in the past?
kanzure: also does anyone know of a design for a planar engine? can be gas/steam/whatever. just needs to be manufactured in one step.
kanzure: yeah i would estmate that it's no where near useful at the moment
kanzure: ah...
kanzure: and waiting for petertodd to start telling you to go fuck yourself is just a bad strategy
kanzure: just seems unlikely
kanzure: part of it is that i don't trust anyone to keep the whole threat model in their head
kanzure: mircea_popescu: of course nodes are hostile... but this needs to be written down (apparently).
kanzure: we've been over this
kanzure: can someone just give me assbot source code or something
kanzure: this is retarded
kanzure: "!v" is giving me "Need a decrypted verification string."
kanzure: i have made no changes
kanzure: btw this used to work
kanzure: "Nick kanzure is already taken."
kanzure: or have different implementations
kanzure: quite literally some do not think that nodes can be malicious
kanzure: no i mean it's required in the sense that apparently some of those issues are non-obvious to others
kanzure: however... it's required.
kanzure: like, it is completely ridiculous that such a document is required
kanzure: i was trying to do both sort of
kanzure: hard to explain
kanzure: also, do you have any hints for how i can make the incentives paper more lolworthy?
kanzure: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x984F10CC77169FD2
kanzure: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x984F10CC77169FD2
kanzure: well i was going to write %f but then i realized i value my life
kanzure: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: %d. This may take a few moments.\n Could not find your key. Check if your key is available on keyservers and try later.
kanzure: hello
kanzure: .title https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=437926.0
kanzure: asciilifeform: okay to pm?
kanzure: (and who wants that?)
kanzure: don't they know it only counts if you come up with a novel zero day? otherwise all the points go to charity.
kanzure: such leetness
kanzure: v. professional
kanzure: haha metasploit
kanzure: you have a very high tolerance
kanzure: 5 minutes to auth?
kanzure: i'm not gonna sit around like a jackass sending signed messages to gribble all the time
kanzure: asciilifeform: that sounds awful
kanzure: asciilifeform: because i don't want to setup a pgp user agent with my irc client
kanzure: did he claim that his property rights were violated, or that the owner's property rights were violated?
kanzure: i said they had read it, not that they ignored it
kanzure: panely-people.
kanzure: written by the panelists
kanzure: they had pre-reading where they studied the material given to them that described bitcoin
kanzure: this wasn't a conference.
kanzure: so you're against all federal livestreaming, or just some of it?
kanzure: that's not how public access in government works
kanzure: under any circumstance
kanzure: that is not an appropriate answer
kanzure: "how is the blockchain secured?" "well it's open source"
kanzure: unfortunately it was the panelists that were learning about bitcoin
kanzure: and then you have message confusion....
kanzure: much less five separate people
kanzure: because it's hard enough to get a single person that understands bitcoin
kanzure: multiple panelists format is probably too broken anyway
kanzure: went very poorly. those panelists were clueless.
kanzure: here's my version of a transcript http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/cftc-bitcoin/
kanzure: wha?
kanzure: http://lana-sator.livejournal.com/
kanzure: exploring various abandoned soviet particle accelerators, etc
kanzure: lana sator has been doing some of that archeology already
kanzure: too bad
kanzure: i see
kanzure: that doesn't answer my question, actually
kanzure: was it only btcd's block?
kanzure: seems like they would have an easier time using regtest
kanzure: why would someone bother doing that on testnet?
kanzure: it's all spent on elaborate vacations for professors
kanzure: the textbook industry spends about $3B/year on marketing- but have you ever seen an ad for a textbook?
kanzure: unfortunately it is not yet profitable to buy textbooks and resell directly to pulp recyclers :(
kanzure: why's that?
kanzure: he is just temporarily inconvenienced
kanzure: might as well
kanzure: also open to suggestions for other graffiti options
kanzure: i was thinking painting this over the beige panels: http://ih3.redbubble.net/image.15027782.1633/fc,550x550,asphalt.u1.jpg
kanzure: asciilifeform: still trying to figure out how to paint the device,
kanzure: to do 1920x1080 sequences simultaneously
kanzure: gonna be hooking up a microfluidic column based on a projector
kanzure: hell yeah! a decade of cancer here i come.
kanzure: ABI 391
kanzure: asciilifeform: btw, i bought a dna synthesizer the other day
kanzure: asciilifeform: fixed
kanzure: asciilifeform: oops sorry about that
kanzure: mircea_popescu: does it remove your address book etc? or does your data still contribute to their spam machine.
kanzure: does deleting your linkedin account actually work?
kanzure: asciilifeform: could you join ##hplusroadmap sometime? you have a small fanclub
kanzure: does this mean i'm dreaming
kanzure: you can ghost kill someone squatting on your nick
kanzure: so i should read this as '10 trusts'?
kanzure: gribble is a hater
kanzure: eg why 1 instead of 0.1 ?
kanzure: what is the type of unit for the number i provide to the rate command?
kanzure: exciting
kanzure: ouch: 14:45 <assbot> You need a better WOT rating. (level 2 with assbot >0)
kanzure: mircea_popescu: can you try rating me again pls