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kanzure: yes
kanzure: i'm sure it's going to be the same users
kanzure: yeah i should do it
kanzure: someone should run one of the mtgox email address dumps through that coinbase api endpoint
kanzure: backwards google glass
kanzure: i think i killed gribble :(
kanzure: e.g. it's not just qtwebkit but it's a qt-release that includes a release of qtwebkit which includes a release of webkit. but the real thing you care about is webkit!
kanzure: even when phantomjs2 comes out in the next few months i would recommend caution because the dependency on qtwebki from a qt release means that you're waiting multiple months for bugfixes to get into phantomjs (so far webkit updates are so far behind it's sad)
kanzure: tg2: and i would say the advantages of running modern webkit far outweigh the troubles with running X... you get Function.prototype.bind :)
kanzure: tg2: however, running X headlessly is not hugely problematic these days because of xserver-xorg-video-dummy
kanzure: tg2: technically no, webkigtk+ requires X unless you find a way to get gtk running without x.. there used to be a way with cairo but nobody seems to care anymore.
kanzure: (context: i've contributed to phantomjs)
kanzure: for example: https://gist.github.com/kanzure/6581415
kanzure: i highly recommend using recent webkit and just use the gobject bindings
kanzure: phantomjs is actually using an ancient version of webkit
kanzure: dexX7: couldn't you just monitor the outbound network activity from the asic device instead
kanzure: man i've had so many people asking me about it. they all think it's the government.
kanzure: hah it's already forked. that's fun.
kanzure: sensor kids
kanzure: mircea_popescu: yeah, i should
kanzure: i've never paid for a speeding ticket
kanzure: can you give me another analogy
kanzure: no?
kanzure: decimation: i think that was before fpgas were on the market
kanzure: asciilifeform: does yours still work?
kanzure: asciilifeform: so why is everyone such a fuckup with making these?
kanzure: oculus is the wrong form factor anyway
kanzure: asciilifeform: maybe interesting to you http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news/
kanzure: personal computing?
kanzure: mircea_popescu: it's the principle
kanzure: but the upper bound is probably 2000
kanzure: i guess not, no
kanzure: Apocalyptic: at least 100 hours
kanzure: asciilifeform: (this was a few years ago, so no glass comments etc)
kanzure: asciilifeform: my roommate was building this, http://fennetic.net/irc/cyberfenn/hplus_proposal/
kanzure: Apocalyptic: pokemon red is "done"- it compiles without baserom.gbc
kanzure: Apocalyptic: way too much time man
kanzure: Apocalyptic: wii? none whatsoever
kanzure: asciilifeform: oh, then mike told me about you
kanzure: asciilifeform: private-eye wearable heads up something
kanzure: nope i haven't touched wii yet
kanzure: asciilifeform: are you the p90 guy
kanzure: asciilifeform: if i had to pay $40M for every completely custom genome, pfft
kanzure: asciilifeform: every time venter announces another $40M genome i just laugh
kanzure: without assholes, how would you know we're human?
kanzure: "oh a few hundred thousand lines of terrible, shitty z80 asm? why of course i'll reverse engineer that!" https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal
kanzure: so.. if anything, don't talk to me about time.
kanzure: you're talking to the guy who reverse engineered pokemon red and crystal
kanzure: ok
kanzure: asciilifeform: so did you reverse engineer the tecan protocol or did you just buy their sdk or what?
kanzure: asciilifeform: do you know the transcriptic.com people?
kanzure: asciilifeform: cool. let me bounce some ideas around in my head. i might be aware of some opportunities (nobody that would want to outright buy this, but.. stuff that is happening.)
kanzure: asciilifeform: or open source it
kanzure: asciilifeform: well, you could always sell it to someone else i guess
kanzure: mircea_popescu: i don't have a specific project in mind, and if i did, i would just buy the dna from a synthesis company.
kanzure: mircea_popescu: all sorts of things. it's a basic requirement for conducting almost any interesting molecular biology project ever.
kanzure: asciilifeform: to sell back to tecan?
kanzure: mircea_popescu: dna synthesis
kanzure: benkay: not that i know of
kanzure: asciilifeform: i've poked at tecan things. in particular i was playing with jcline's perl library for tecan control.
kanzure: mircea_popescu: i had a colleague on that project and he's still convinced that microfluidics is the way to go, so he's still working on that in portland
kanzure: oh
kanzure: oh good, yeah he was okay at that
kanzure: mircea_popescu: trouble? mostly software at the moment https://github.com/kanzure
kanzure: asciilifeform: what is he doing?
kanzure: asciilifeform: so if you know mike then how do you know me
kanzure: nah it's good to get out of that uh.. industry.
kanzure: ABI etc got swallowed up and cancelled their manufacturing
kanzure: do you know of any synthesizer manufacturers that still exist? i'm aware of the refurb shops
kanzure: and ~$2k for "probably working" and $50k for "sorta new, or exactly new, except we know that nobody is building this crap anymore so we're not going to lie to you"
kanzure: last i looked the synthesizers bottom out on ebay at $400-$700 "maybe working"
kanzure: http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/
kanzure: there was this oligo arrayer open source project that did it for ~$20k
kanzure: and once it's working, start ripping away and downsizing
kanzure: but again i think this approach is probably bad; why not just build a bigger version like the traditional machines
kanzure: need about 10-50 micron channel widths
kanzure: http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher/
kanzure: right.. so some friends and i were putting together an idea for using lasers to build microfluidic chips.
kanzure: not worth my time
kanzure: sure. yeah i'm done with grants/whatever. just use my own bucks.
kanzure: it's entirely possible that i suck at sourcing
kanzure: that might have been for a new laser
kanzure: hah
kanzure: and then you need to bother with photolithography and all sorts of other issues
kanzure: well to do dna synthesis on the scale that i want it, you need hundreds or thousands of microfluidic gates
kanzure: ideally you should limit the number of stupid-hard problems you are solving simultaneously..
kanzure: i've since determined that microfluidics is not the best way for now
kanzure: well that was an old presentation
kanzure: if machine price goes down then synthesis costs can be tweaked
kanzure: there's no good reason these machines should cost so much
kanzure: asciilifeform: terrible piles of crap, aren't they?
kanzure: projects like http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/fbi-diybio-dna-v1.pdf
kanzure: see ##hplusroadmap
kanzure: asciilifeform: i moved into non-academic garage biology stuff
kanzure: asciilifeform: dna logic gate stuff
kanzure: asciilifeform: and they didn't put me on the paper anyway
kanzure: asciilifeform: 2008
kanzure: asciilifeform: that was a long time ago
kanzure: asciilifeform: nice, wittig?
kanzure: mircea_popescu: there's also this person from theverge with my name.. sigh.