1146 entries in 0.162s
kanzure: mircea_popescu: interesting. there's a few people showing up with my name. i want them gone.
kanzure: benkay: that link is a good one for explaining it
kanzure: mircea_popescu: huh? probably not. i don't know who you are referring to.
kanzure: benkay: i dunno, http://mmckeen.net/blog/2013/12/27/advanced-docker-provisioning-with-packer/
kanzure: bounce: do you have a link for that?
kanzure: benkay: the box builder automation stuff
kanzure: benkay: plover is like veewee except less awful
kanzure: benkay: do you use plover to build docker stuff
kanzure: asciilifeform: yes i'm sure there's someone, somewhere, doing rsa in head
kanzure: i'll answer as soon as i'm done netsplitting
kanzure: you're saying i should be grateful for irc? that's a funny one
kanzure: ThickAsThieves: were the terms of your contract public?
kanzure: because communication channels can be compromised
kanzure: even if everyting is okay it is probably a good idea to terminate
kanzure: strike a deal with a physical casino
kanzure: not worth reporting
kanzure: just boring drama
kanzure: dump when he posts on bitcointalk, buy when he posts on reddit
kanzure: so it turns out that the cryptocyprus neobee-dumper should be flipped around the other way
kanzure: it is someone's irc client? hah
kanzure: WeeChat/0.4.2
kanzure: assbot: http://requestb.in/sy3ipnsy
kanzure: assbot: http://httpbin.org/get
kanzure: has anyone made a scrooge mcduck bitcoin pool yet
kanzure: android-linux i mean
kanzure: well it runs linux so people can just flash whatever they want on it i assume
kanzure: has someone written a usable os for google glass yet? e.g. something to bring up a shell
kanzure: http://www.loper-os.org/vintage/paralleleye/p4_frame.png
kanzure: pigeons: not the same
kanzure: ThickAsThieves: where'd you find one?
kanzure: ThickAsThieves: yeah but nobody is able to get a P4 these days
kanzure: intense
kanzure: straight into your eyeball?
kanzure: google glass sdk is pretty lame
kanzure: 2 blockchainz gonna rap it up with snoop
kanzure: what do you want, panes complaining about blockchain sizes?
kanzure: git commit jokes from xkcd are too mainstream?
kanzure: since second market already bought 68,000 btc, why does everyone keep thinking they will see activity on mtgox etc?
kanzure: that's just a clever way of saying "you do it"
kanzure: sbp: would be nice if the pope starts using btc. then church finances become slightly more auditable.
kanzure: sbp: hi
kanzure: like, the obvious downside here is that you would have to actually support sugarcrm instances..... yeah.
kanzure: are you just banking on "i can integrate btc faster than whoever is running sugarcrm's parent company at the moment can"
kanzure: i thought sugarcrm was ran by a company that sells sugarcrm instances
kanzure: maybe our two attentions can merge together
kanzure: benkay: i have a high capacity for attention i think
kanzure: yeah.
kanzure: fuck off
kanzure: and it's useful to communicate with the people i work with ?
kanzure: because i actually contribute to these projects?
kanzure: dub: it seems to be 200
kanzure: fucking freenode
kanzure: [freenode] -!- Cannot join to channel #bitcoin-pit (You have joined to too many channels)
kanzure: tell me other channels
kanzure: jborkl: are you using a torrent?
kanzure: i'm not sure how much of that 30% is going to liabilities
kanzure: oh yeah, the rake
kanzure: and everyone and their mom filed patents on sending payments over mobile phones etc
kanzure: the reason that apple doesn't want cryptocurrencies on ios is related to mobile payments and their own ios5 wallet system
kanzure: e.g. some sort of defensive patent fund
kanzure: i think bitcoin people will make a patent defense fund and nuke apple from orbit instead
kanzure: dub: where's that?
kanzure: you want the serious answer or the irc answer?
kanzure: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17612316/AUDIO/i_have_btc_no_i_wont_link_my_blockchain_lol_noob.mp3?dl=1
kanzure: ah hell i meant
kanzure: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17612316/AUDIO/i_have_btc_no_i_wont_link_my_blockchain_lol_noob.mp3
kanzure: and here i thought they were just yelling out cream for no good reason
kanzure: dunno what that means in this case
kanzure: incentive?
kanzure: i mean, it's something i would forget, so i'm sure other dorks will too
kanzure: so i'm expecting some of the bitcoin apps will have weird APIs laying around that they forgot to secure from old versions of their apps, etc
kanzure: some of the ad networks have very interesting financial data exposed to end users
kanzure: last year i started downloading all android apps and automatically baksmiling them for various reverse engineering reasons
kanzure: nah, unfortunately not
kanzure: excuse me, i mean nucleic acids research
kanzure: i published a paper in the journal of nucleic acid research, does that count? (probably not)
kanzure: unauthorized infosec stuff
kanzure: breaking APIs
kanzure: lurking i guess
kanzure: software contracting
kanzure: there's also a third one that has cancer so i can't talk too much shit about him
kanzure: oh, unfortunately that's a different asshole named bryan
kanzure: what about it
kanzure: i am not really new but whatever
kanzure: i do stuff https://github.com/kanzure
kanzure: cypriot black metal?
kanzure: it can only go up/down so it's virtually guaranteed
kanzure: not how it works, the company has to pay the board members
kanzure: i IPO in 3 minutes who's with me
kanzure: "international bitcoin fund for jerks capable of deploying twitter bootstrap themes"
kanzure: is it good food?
kanzure: decentralize this food bank
kanzure: ThickAsThieves: may i pm?
kanzure: "warning: bunny gore" is assumed because irc
kanzure: saving them as much as the fund i guess
kanzure: i see i see
kanzure: huh? you were being ironic about peta the fund and compared it to peta the org, but the org doesn't save animals
kanzure: well, most animals end up dead from peta
kanzure: that's not quite what peta does
kanzure: do i get a passport