30 entries in 0.631s

flynn' 'hurr durr committee'
trinque: asciilifeform: entirely likely trump canned
flynn because he lied to him, and nothing more.
trinque: lol, first
flynn, now teh 'dangerous faggot'
a111: Logged on 2017-02-14 15:34 mircea_popescu: for it to count it can't be denied, which comes down to, because michael
flynn contains nothing, encryption doesn't help him in any way.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why not guess the same but the other way ? "i never made a budget in a public institution, but if i had i'd know you always overprovision so the '''watchdogs''' can cut something and feel useful. i guess
flynn was that."
mircea_popescu: and if you're going to count
flynn, then "some judge" is worth about what, 72 points and three superbowl nipples ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude that is like the most inept scoring i ever saw. for one thing, trump scored like 500 touchdowns. for the other, srsly
flynn is half a point.
trinque: no denying
flynn was a "rein in teh shadow state" guy, and got popped
mircea_popescu: let's not overstate
flynn lel. bannon's teh vizier. so far he outranks cia on the nsc.
mircea_popescu: for it to count it can't be denied, which comes down to, because michael
flynn contains nothing, encryption doesn't help him in any way.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: it's not like he was some sort of person, with whom you'd want to meet ~for him~. nobody wants to meet with michael
flynn for michael
flynn, and this includes his own offspring, let alone people who are actually somebody.
BingoBoingo: Hence kinda win for Trump getting
Flynn out. Lack of grabbing determination.
Flynn talked the the Russian ambassador in December as part of preparing for office. Unnamed bureaucrat has been slowly leaking details to press from wiretap.
Flynn sinned by lying to Pence. Lying to Pence is a Cardinal sin.
decimation: "Donna Steele
Flynn, a former member of the House Ways and Means Committee staff who is now a tax specialist with Ernst & Young, said, ''The only reason this hasn't gotten fixed is because the official Joint Tax Committee estimate in the past was that repeal of Section 1706 would cost a billion dollars in tax revenue over five years.''There is a political will on both sides of the aisle, but in terms of importance and number of
midnightmagic: mircea_popescu: yeah the
flynn effect is reversing a little unfortunately. it's a race now, to advance technology to the point where we'll no longer need to advance it, before we can't do it anymore.