67 entries in 0.541s
a111: 65 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck
asciilifeform: !#s flycheck
a111: Logged on 2016-04-22 00:36 asciilifeform: phf: the emacs tumour (see logz, the 'flycheck' thread) is what really blew my mind
asciilifeform: and melpa of course being the 'modern' crapola repo that gives us such marvels as the 9000 dependencies of 'flycheck' ( see logz! ) and other liquishit.
asciilifeform: the solution is absolutely never 'hey which flycheck turd should i use nao'
a111: 60 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck
asciilifeform: !#s flycheck
a111: 58 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck
asciilifeform: !#s flycheck
asciilifeform: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck 's recommendation of 'flycheck' is unconscionable :
asciilifeform: phf: hey, they 'deprecated' flymake (that works with all sane compilers past and future) in favour of 'flycheck' liquishit
asciilifeform: ( see last year's 'flycheck' thread )
a111: Logged on 2016-08-04 15:12 asciilifeform: (flycheck was LITERALLY the 'we shall build an alt-country out of stooges and call it your country)
asciilifeform: it got 'flycheck'-ed.
asciilifeform: reading old logz, linked earlier, turned up another 'flycheck' -- 'gnu taler'
mircea_popescu: aquae et ignis, you understand. "flycheck" lacks the ability to "it moved" much like hanno bock lacks the ability to "tell" anyone anything.
asciilifeform: (systemv init in systemd's case, flymake in flycheck's)
asciilifeform: before the thread is lost, i'd like to nominate 'flycheck' as an own and distinct type of fraud, the 'bus broke down, yes, we're the bus now!111' device.
asciilifeform: http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/community/conduct.html << it moved.
asciilifeform: http://www.flycheck.org/conduct.html << aaaah.
a111: Logged on 2016-01-18 20:35 mircea_popescu: flycheck is hereby banned from anywhere
asciilifeform: (flycheck was LITERALLY the 'we shall build an alt-country out of stooges and call it your country) ☟︎
a111: 36 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck
asciilifeform: $s flycheck
asciilifeform: systemd gets a good thrashing regularly, but recall flycheck ?
asciilifeform: recall the 'flycheck' thread ?
phf: heh, of course flycheck uses dash.el
asciilifeform: just as i would have never even known about 'flycheck' if i didn't come across a broken (since fixed, by hand) macos emacs.
asciilifeform: and yet if you go ~anywhere you will read 'flymake is OBSOLETE!1111 use flycheck'
asciilifeform: the case of flycheck was especially instructive because, near as i could tell, the thing provided ZERO advantage over flymake
asciilifeform: phf: the emacs tumour (see logz, the 'flycheck' thread) is what really blew my mind ☟︎
assbot: 28 results for 'flycheck' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=flycheck
asciilifeform: !s flycheck
assbot: Logged on 01-03-2016 13:42:04; assbot: Logged on 01-03-2016 06:02:07; ben_vulpes: flycheck just deleted the contents of an entire buffer
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-03-2016#1418936 << why are you using flycheck??! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 01-03-2016 06:02:07; ben_vulpes: flycheck just deleted the contents of an entire buffer ☟︎
ben_vulpes: flycheck just deleted the contents of an entire buffer ☟︎
ben_vulpes: imagine the lifestyle that makes life with flycheck less miserable than life /without/ flycheck
ben_vulpes just reread flycheck thread
ascii_butugychag: sorta lulzy, how if i didn't have a decade-old turd sitting in ~/emacs/site-lisp, i would never have gone off the reservation and learned about the flycheck crud
ascii_butugychag: 'flymake' (not flycheck!!11) ~will~ work if you use the copy that came with emacs 24.
ascii_butugychag: (at which point it will likely be renamed poetteringmacs and ~will~ ship with flycheck.)
ascii_butugychag: flycheck does not come with emacs and probably will not until rms dies.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> uh i mean flycheck
assbot: Syntax checking for GNU Emacs — Flycheck ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdrKLJ )
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: http://www.flycheck.org
assbot: EmacsWiki: Flycheck ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdrHQ1 )
mircea_popescu: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Flycheck ?
ascii_butugychag: flycheck is built into nothing.
mircea_popescu: uh i mean flycheck
ben_vulpes: flycheck?
ascii_butugychag: i was going to write an actual blog post about the flycheck thing
assbot: Flycheck: Installation ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jdpbt4 )
ascii_butugychag: check out http://www.flycheck.org/manual/latest/Installation.html#Installation
assbot: flycheck/flycheck.el at master · flycheck/flycheck · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdoW0R )
ascii_butugychag: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/blob/master/flycheck.el#L5807 << BEHOLD, all of the things that are supposed to be gcc flags, ENUMERATED
mircea_popescu: flycheck is hereby banned from anywhere ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "And if someone takes issue with something you said or did, resist the urge to be defensive. Just stop doing what it was they complained about and apologize. Even if you feel you were misinterpreted or unfairly accused, chances are good there was something you could have communicated better — remember that it’s your responsibility to make your fellow Flycheck people comfortable."
mircea_popescu: Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastian Wiesner and Flycheck contributors
assbot: Flycheck Code of Conduct — Flycheck ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBTbv9 )
ascii_butugychag: http://www.flycheck.org/conduct.html
assbot: Allow arbitrary commandline arguments for the clang checker · Issue #207 · flycheck/flycheck · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBT96p )
ascii_butugychag: so lo and behold i find, https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/issues/207
ascii_butugychag: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/blob/master/flycheck.el#L5768 << example of what i meant
ascii_butugychag: whereas 'flycheck' IGNORES makefiles
ascii_butugychag: in other nyooz, HOLY SHIT is 'flycheck' (the supposed replacement, pushed everywhere one meets shithub types, for 'flymake') a piece of shit !!