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a111: Logged on 2017-03-20 00:58 mircea_popescu: also, we are not at wall : we saw ext4 ; did not see
ext2 ; did not see reiserfs.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> also, we are not at wall : we saw ext4 ; did not see
ext2 ; did not see reiserfs. << for sure. i think we're just getting started baselining these prototypes.
mircea_popescu: also, we are not at wall : we saw ext4 ; did not see
ext2 ; did not see reiserfs.
☟︎ phf: i think the deep value in an exercise like "replace db with a filesystem" is the reduction of moving parts.
ext2 is a straightforward inode based tree, with a separate relocation phase, etc. journaling adds the whole overhead (for it's primarily cognitive) of secondary redundancy that you now have to factor into all your considerations
a111: Logged on 2017-03-09 17:41 mircea_popescu: Framedragger the most pressing matter to my eyes right now is getting
ext2/ext4 benchmarked for our specified purpose.
mircea_popescu: phf well he's considering what he's considering, seeing how he's doing the measuring. i was kinda biasing towards
ext2 in the previous discussions (which i guess nobody reads or something ?) , but hey, can't impede man's independent manhood!
mircea_popescu: Framedragger the most pressing matter to my eyes right now is getting
ext2/ext4 benchmarked for our specified purpose.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-22 06:41 mircea_popescu: ok so a) gotta see if
ext2 / ext4 CAN EVEN HOLD this many symlinks. like, at all.
mircea_popescu: ok so a) gotta see if
ext2 / ext4 CAN EVEN HOLD this many symlinks. like, at all.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: hence looking into what
ext2 does if you do a lot of simlinks. not like this can't be dry run with bogodata.
davout: however, mounting the
ext2 partition works
davout: asciilifeform: so i managed to get "busybox mkfs.
ext2 /dev/sda1" working on the pogo by using buildroot-2015.05-rc1 instead of 2015.02, applying your patches (which do apply cleanly), apply my WIP-patch, and boot on that
davout: i added "CONFIG_MKFS_EXT2=y" in busybox.config
davout: however I'm stuck getting "mkfs.
ext2: lseek: Value too large for defined data type" which I've no idea how to solve :/
davout: after fdisk'ing a new partition on it, and toggling the MKFS option in the buildroot config I can now "# busybox mkfs.
ext2 /dev/sda1"
davout: so, in my quest to getting the pogoplug working i'm at the step where i'm trying to get it to create an
ext2 FS on the attached SATA drive
mod6: well, i guess I didn't have EXT3 enabled, just: "Use ext4 for
ext2/ext3 file systems" under "Filesystems"
phillipsjk: Just make sure your users know they have to format as
ext2 or whatever. (If you implement the plug-in transaction function.)