22 entries in 0.568s

Mocky: and speaking of fortran,
deskilling also goes hand in hand with the john backus vision of "algebra of programs" snap together lego coding
Mocky: the
deskilling goes hand in hand with proliferation of library-ism and github-ism. library in reality is the natural outcome of experienced practitioner isolating code that has no business freely mixing with other code. for use primarily by same person. but today the 99% see library as opaque boxes meant to pile up and put a little shit pile of new code on top
mircea_popescu: i know it seemed all great and fabulous back when
deskilling brought about abominables a la condolezza rice as "secretary of state" notwithstanding strict incapacity of any sort of thinking
ben_vulpes considering "
deskilling" the entire mobile-app "api server" with judicious compilation of libpq
mircea_popescu: so... yeah. destructuring society ->
deskilling economy.