17 entries in 0.854s

ben_vulpes: the
debian rng bug is a good example of hosed RNGs, that's a fine place to start
mircea_popescu: leaking
rng quality is more of a concern for
a111: Logged on 2016-11-17 16:02 Framedragger: in fact.. due to
https://hdm.io/tools/debian-openssl/ correctly pointing out that "This flaw is ugly because even systems that do not use the
Debian software need to be audited in case any key is being used that was created on a
Debian system.", someone should attempt botnet-brute-login to all 13M+ (i forget lol) ssh hosts with
rng-fucked client keys.
Framedragger: in fact.. due to
https://hdm.io/tools/debian-openssl/ correctly pointing out that "This flaw is ugly because even systems that do not use the
Debian software need to be audited in case any key is being used that was created on a
Debian system.", someone should attempt botnet-brute-login to all 13M+ (i forget lol) ssh hosts with
rng-fucked client keys.
☟︎ PinkPosixPXE: ignore the
debian portion,
rng-tools is something most OS's should have available
assbot: Helping The Random Number Generator To Gain Enough Entropy With
rng-tools (
Debian Lenny) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
BingoBoingo: God is actually just the old
Debian RNG flaw, n always ===== 6