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a111: Logged on 2015-09-07 19:58 ascii_field: mats: the way it works is, there are precisely two kinds of permitted mass media in usa: 1) usg 2) usg
crank bait ascii_field: mats: the way it works is, there are precisely two kinds of permitted mass media in usa: 1) usg 2) usg
crank bait ☟︎ assbot: Logged on 03-12-2014 23:20:00; asciilifeform:
crank bait is normally factual material that blows 'official truth' out of the water, placed deliberately in the public domain.
Crank bait also refers to a sort of fishing lure with parts that move in the water to increase the attention it commands of the fish
thestringpuller: "could you use it in a sentence" "asciilifeform: der wagen was decorated with a number of 'end the fed' stickers. apparently this is considered adequate
crank bait."