21 entries in 1.06s

a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 18:46 mircea_popescu: tbh an ~hour later my patience with teh #lisp is waning fast. yes it's not cohesive a la
catv-org or whatever other dorkitudes we examined prior, which means there's no specific failure mode. but this doesn't mean much, it vaguely flails like an ooze and well...
mircea_popescu: tbh an ~hour later my patience with teh #lisp is waning fast. yes it's not cohesive a la
catv-org or whatever other dorkitudes we examined prior, which means there's no specific failure mode. but this doesn't mean much, it vaguely flails like an ooze and well...
☟︎ phf: nah,
catv was dead. this thing is alive
phf: i've met him on another irc channel where he was equally non-contributing to an overall low snr. i was curious if he will maybe step up here, but nope doing exactly the same thing. the whole thing is reminiscent of the
catv, a channel full of companioncubes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> and of course ethernet over coax somehow never happened << how not ? it's how i got broadband for a decade. "
ascii_c3: mike_c: n3xtb1gthng [~User@
catv.broadband.hu] entered the room.
mircea_popescu: Jun 07 17:31:33 *ninjashogun (~User@
catv.broadband.hu) has joined #bitcoin-assets