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mircea_popescu: in
carlin's own words, "that tends to hold them for about half an hour."
mircea_popescu: as the one, the only, the forever
carlin said, "the man himself was philosophical about it : it's that much less skin to wash."
mircea_popescu: cue
carlin's old "you go vote ; i'll go home to to approximately the same thing, but when i'll be done i'll have something to show for it."
mircea_popescu: ;;google
carlin is the greatest and "how to make money renting out the space inside your nose"
mircea_popescu: same exact fucking process, in the words of
carlin, "a group of people trying to fuck each other a little deeper, a little faster, every time".
mircea_popescu: this entire "my revolution" thing seems to me a lot like "i wanna be on a stage, like
carlin!" well ok. and to say what ?
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-06-2015#1171822 << mno. "that is, that once one agrees with the braindamaged pretense that 'end to violence', he is forced to hypocritically reintroduce violence in a very complex form, which reduces to the bezzle, or in
carlin's words, 'everyone's quest to stick it to the other guy faster and deeper'. and so he accepts your 50x inflated carrots because he wants to sell you 67x in
☝︎ mircea_popescu: mats yeah seriously, i think since
carlin died rock is actually teh king o' comedy
mircea_popescu: Adlai ya, but then again
carlin's not exactly the marrying kind.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla as per
carlin's "ways to keep programmers on their toes" : announce 120, implement 100. that should hold them for about half an hour.
mircea_popescu: which is why as
carlin/carson/stern etc are going out of old age, there's nobody to replace them. you get stuck with cancerous filth a la that oliver douche.
mircea_popescu: builds character. to quote
carlin, "we were tempered in raw shit"
mircea_popescu: i recall this
carlin bit, "according to 90% of participants, gangrape is great fun"