32 entries in 0.876s
asciilifeform: nah he'll have ready pocket answer, 'hey, nadia did it in 2013' etc
asciilifeform: i'm almost curious nao, just which nadia will be getting professorship from 'discovering' the serpent lul.
mircea_popescu: that's ok, because while nadia waits the future is female, and once "nadia's done waiting" then it ALWAYS HAD IT.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: naturally. ( tho 'nadia' will prolly have to wait for asciilifeform to do it, before 'nadia did it' , like the prev time )
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 17:09 zx2c4: why does the government have an interest in me hearing about nadia's work rather than your work?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868009 << i'm sure "nadia already had it" or how did that dork put it ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-26 16:08 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in re these lulz, at one point asciilifeform dug for 'anybody ever verilog-ified serpent?' and found a stack of 'papers'. any src ? mno. but plenty of 'discussion' of supposed 'implementation', in the traditional nadia henninger style .
a111: Logged on 2018-10-26 16:08 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in re these lulz, at one point asciilifeform dug for 'anybody ever verilog-ified serpent?' and found a stack of 'papers'. any src ? mno. but plenty of 'discussion' of supposed 'implementation', in the traditional nadia henninger style .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in re these lulz, at one point asciilifeform dug for 'anybody ever verilog-ified serpent?' and found a stack of 'papers'. any src ? mno. but plenty of 'discussion' of supposed 'implementation', in the traditional nadia henninger style . ☟︎☟︎
zx2c4: why does the government have an interest in me hearing about nadia's work rather than your work? ☟︎
zx2c4: alright so im just wondering why you think nadia and alex's research falls into a category like that, when they're essentially drawing the same conclusions as your own work (even if they didnt release rawdata as you say etc)
asciilifeform: zx2c4: pay and written orders are not a necessary hypothesis. fact of the matter is that you do not get to ~become~ 'a nadia' or 'a boeck' unless you behave 'like a civilized academic' and do what is expected of you, without being asked.
zx2c4: you're saying that nadia and alex and people got PAID by the nsa or somebody not to release certain results?
zx2c4: nadia's research is quite real
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: oh and coauthored with nadia heninger
asciilifeform: tomorrow's noose: 'nadia henninger and hanno boeck rescue ten thousand insecure solar...'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pretty sure we did, it's a nadia heninger
asciilifeform: http://www.cvedetails.com/product/2275/Global-Technology-Associates-Gnat-Box-Firmware.html?vendor_id=1304 ( https://archive.is/HoCmE ) << nadia heninger NOT mentioned...
mircea_popescu: oh "anyone can detect 0cost people". really ? who detected nadia chick doesn't actually exist irl ?
asciilifeform: 'This advisory provides mitigation details for a vulnerability that impacts Tropos Wireless Mesh Routers. An independent research group composed of Nadia Heninger (University of California at San Diego), Zakir Durumeric (University of Michigan), Eric Wustrow (University of Michigan), and J. Alex Halderman (University of Michigan) identified an insufficient entropy vulnerabilitya in SSH key generation in Tropos Networks’s wireless n
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> name's nadia. nadia aboulhson. want her # ? << I'll pass
mircea_popescu: name's nadia. nadia aboulhson. want her # ?
asciilifeform: l0l, nadia heninger in there
mircea_popescu: whether you are or aren't : the notion that what nadia heninger did is in any way related to what nadia heninger "got" is the core and the root of cargo cultism.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the notion that nadia heninger "got" a phd and "got" a cushy sinecure, in the sense of got that you employ when you say b-a got x done is ludicrous!
assbot: Logged on 18-05-2015 19:48:18; ascii_field: 'It doesn't work when Nadia Heninger goes to sell Phuctor before Stanford - Nadia Heninger doesn't own Phuctor, and the actual owners are very much present and very much capable to bitchslap her into oblivion.' << actually, 'crime pays.' chick gets a phd and cushy sinecure, etc.
ascii_field: 'It doesn't work when Nadia Heninger goes to sell Phuctor before Stanford - Nadia Heninger doesn't own Phuctor, and the actual owners are very much present and very much capable to bitchslap her into oblivion.' << actually, 'crime pays.' chick gets a phd and cushy sinecure, etc. ☟︎
decimation: https://mvideos.stanford.edu/graduate#/SeminarDetail/Spring/2015/EE/380/9469 < this Nadia Heniger chick claims that rsa keys can be poorly generated by bad rngs (around 50:00 or so)
decimation: "I don't really know, but I talked to Nadia Heninger about it and she mentioned that they were probably created by some email software only used in Germany. "
nudebot: http://ww2.nudesportsblog.com/updates/lesbiansportvideos/elena_nadia_01b_big.jpg
heat: how can you hate the country where nadia comaneci is from
mircea_popescu: Nadia_Comaneci du-te tu ?