32 entries in 0.876s

mircea_popescu: that's ok, because while
nadia waits the future is female, and once "
nadia's done waiting" then it ALWAYS HAD IT.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 17:09 zx2c4: why does the government have an interest in me hearing about
nadia's work rather than your work?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-26 16:08 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in re these lulz, at one point asciilifeform dug for 'anybody ever verilog-ified serpent?' and found a stack of 'papers'. any src ? mno. but plenty of 'discussion' of supposed 'implementation', in the traditional
nadia henninger style .
a111: Logged on 2018-10-26 16:08 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in re these lulz, at one point asciilifeform dug for 'anybody ever verilog-ified serpent?' and found a stack of 'papers'. any src ? mno. but plenty of 'discussion' of supposed 'implementation', in the traditional
nadia henninger style .
zx2c4: why does the government have an interest in me hearing about
nadia's work rather than your work?
☟︎ zx2c4: alright so im just wondering why you think
nadia and alex's research falls into a category like that, when they're essentially drawing the same conclusions as your own work (even if they didnt release rawdata as you say etc)
zx2c4: you're saying that
nadia and alex and people got PAID by the nsa or somebody not to release certain results?
nadia's research is quite real
mircea_popescu: oh "anyone can detect 0cost people". really ? who detected
nadia chick doesn't actually exist irl ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> name's
nadia aboulhson. want her # ? << I'll pass
mircea_popescu: whether you are or aren't : the notion that what
nadia heninger did is in any way related to what
nadia heninger "got" is the core and the root of cargo cultism.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the notion that
nadia heninger "got" a phd and "got" a cushy sinecure, in the sense of got that you employ when you say b-a got x done is ludicrous!
assbot: Logged on 18-05-2015 19:48:18; ascii_field: 'It doesn't work when
Nadia Heninger goes to sell Phuctor before Stanford -
Nadia Heninger doesn't own Phuctor, and the actual owners are very much present and very much capable to bitchslap her into oblivion.' << actually, 'crime pays.' chick gets a phd and cushy sinecure, etc.
ascii_field: 'It doesn't work when
Nadia Heninger goes to sell Phuctor before Stanford -
Nadia Heninger doesn't own Phuctor, and the actual owners are very much present and very much capable to bitchslap her into oblivion.' << actually, 'crime pays.' chick gets a phd and cushy sinecure, etc.
☟︎ decimation: "I don't really know, but I talked to
Nadia Heninger about it and she mentioned that they were probably created by some email software only used in Germany. "
heat: how can you hate the country where
nadia comaneci is from