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decimation: re: it's more the principle of the matter. japan wants to assert that japan, and not usg, make japan policy
decimation: when did the crazy fur nazis start making usg border policy?
mircea_popescu: (the usg will readily dispute this claiming they actually DO have title to bitcoin they confiscate, and then create chain of title from there. this argument is illogical).
decimation: outflanking usg from the left is a common pattern worldwide
decimation: asciilifeform: I know that the german chemical industry was also generally transported to usg
pete_dushenski: hm well alexandria may have been replaceable/rediscoverable, but if nazi work goes down with usg, how long do we wait ?
asciilifeform: trinque: amd is not 'angelic', it is simply behind the usg schedule because, elementary, smaller market share
danielpbarron: or uh.. USG guy joins IRC and identifies himself as such
danielpbarron: USG asking MPEx if so-and-so is a customer?
mircea_popescu: but this is exactly it, usg trying to insert itself into the process by "blessing bitcoins"
asciilifeform: perhaps usg sent the cannon fodder to die
mircea_popescu: generally, any friend of the usg is an enemy of the world.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> idea is that they 'have the choice to surrender to usg' and didn't make it << myeah. they gotta be supported.
mircea_popescu: and obviously, the usg doesn't like it. how surprising.
asciilifeform: lol 'giving up' when isp (and credit card co) pipe it to usg in milliseconds when subscriber pays
decimation: yeah I guess that's the idea, but it seems dubious that usg will tolerate such behavior
asciilifeform: idea is that they 'have the choice to surrender to usg' and didn't make it
decimation: apparently tucows is on usg's shitlist because it won't play ball
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if i remember correctly, usg is on record saying they lack the ability to input a printed gpg privkey.
asciilifeform: well there, certainly. but i'd argue that usg implicitly takes ownership of the wild things here
mircea_popescu: cisco was caught working with usg, lost 90% of sales in onequarter.
mircea_popescu: and some other day, usg.
mircea_popescu: the plan is of course to use it extensively on anyone related to usg, starting with the press, starting with idiot whores a la leah goodman and idiot venues a la newsweek
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 00:58:04; asciilifeform: possibly the most dangerous animal to be in the lands of usg (and au, as i understand, is a kind of target practice range for usg idiocies) is the fella with just enough to be worth skinning, but three or four zeroes short of mircea_popescu-esque atomic dirigible where he can hit back
asciilifeform: usg pours $maxint into optical logic, but nothing is publicly known re: what, if anything, ever came of it
asciilifeform: 'consensus' is a beloved usg-ism >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=17-11-2014#926290 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: not my fault usg is into necrophillia.
asciilifeform: Luke-Jr: if the usg charlatans want to create a fork with incompatible tx validation rules, they are welcome to.
asciilifeform: possibly the most dangerous animal to be in the lands of usg (and au, as i understand, is a kind of target practice range for usg idiocies) is the fella with just enough to be worth skinning, but three or four zeroes short of mircea_popescu-esque atomic dirigible where he can hit back ☟︎
ascii_field: chetty: there is a confounding factor: that much of su was bought up at fire-sale by usg operatives
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: the only reason we know about him is the gigantic crew of usg photographers and a usg planetary mediachumatron ready to endlessly reprint the photo
ascii_field: my model is more of a hypothesis re: what tools usg will pick up when the usual ones (magick away the universe with idiot media tricks) begin to fail
ascii_field: used here as illustration that the imminent demise of usg and the broader zombie civilization that created it, does not separate ulbricht's arse from anthill
mircea_popescu: people mostly don't believe the usg statements in the case of ulbricht. what when they're actually made up ?
ascii_field: see, the rectoanalyzer will not be used by conventional 'daylight' usg, no
mircea_popescu: every anything you propose costs the usg way more than it costs you.
mircea_popescu: your ideas work in this situation where the usg is "the universe" and the guy it torments just a guy.
mircea_popescu: ie, the same usg that gets killed with the weapons it made and gave away.
ascii_field: same folks who make the rest of the usg toybox
ascii_field: i won't pontificate on whether the past century of usg work on tortures, dope, etc. came to anything, but this is more or less the kind of situation it was all ultimately waiting for, to try.
ben_vulpes: i'm kind of horrified at the notion that aws will outlive the usg.
asciilifeform: in the usg sense
mircea_popescu: strange that anyone would even for a single second propose the usg even exists as a going concern,
decimation: usg is all about illusioning every problem away
decimation: asciilifeform: http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/public_access/ < apparently usg will require some level of public access to usg-funded research papers
asciilifeform: mats: on top of that is the mega-lol where winblows uac is the only usg-blessed 'security boundary' mechanism...
asciilifeform: 'sympathy', 'support', esp. of the usg-sponsored very tangible/financial variety is on tap, no questions asked. imagine if insurance worked this way - how many houses would still remain standing ?
asciilifeform: http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~zduric/cs803/Simmons.pdf << unrelated but interesting from historical standpoint re: usg and practical use of rsa
BingoBoingo: decimation> usg helps make roundup resistant cocaine << Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the cartels innovated that themselves
decimation: usg helps make roundup resistant cocaine
mircea_popescu: nobody has so far taken a strong "fuck you, and red hat, and the usg" stance. it is likely they never will,
ascii_field: one of the greatest films about essence of usg
ascii_field: but as i gather, the usg-elite consciously walks this line - unlimited debauchery in private, idiot paper-pushing in public
mircea_popescu: ascii_field it is not a secret to anyone except the completely imbecile "experts" the usg has historically and continues to "use" in it's quest to build itself as a bitcoin power independent from mpex.
mircea_popescu: epic. the usg, inflating EVERYTHING.
asciilifeform: obvious usg altcoin is obvious
asciilifeform: decimation: barring some quite perverse retroactive usg shenanigans (never say 'never.' it happened in ru) gpl stuff is staying gpl
mircea_popescu: exactly what it is. backed by nothing but the full faith and credit of the usg, in the shape of little bits of paper issued by Department of Harvard, The Stanford Agency scl etc.
decimation: nasa et.al. spend money on usg think tanks to try to come up with a protocol that will magically switch between store-and-forward and low-latency as the channel permits
mircea_popescu: so badly managed, teh usg.
decimation: qualcomm is also fairly famous for hustling usg into favoring their CDMA chips over the european gsm alternative
mircea_popescu: while i expect your 90% figure of ee's working for govt is only met if you actually count every us public company as an agency of the usg (a position not exactly undefensible, people still do the same to stuff like gazprom etc, notwithstanding the ru oligarchs actually have a lot more independence than the us "ceo"s of public corps),
decimation: but I was insinuating that these EE's work either has official usg employees or sell products or labor directly to usg
funkenstein_: well if you got some usd in your pocket... i guess you could say you work for the usg
decimation: I would venture to guess that 90% of those remaining 271,000 work directly or indirectly for usg
mircea_popescu: but of intel for intel's own sake, as an independent thing. not of intel for usg-intel, something intel itself could never, ever fix.
mircea_popescu: in fairness, i suppose the burning hatred of usg and its many agencies (such as apple) that informs us is really a very novel thing.
asciilifeform: usg must be assumed to lie unless there is actual reason to suspect it may have told the truth
mircea_popescu: who the fuck cares what the usg says, even.
mircea_popescu: it's kinda incredible to me that the entire intellectual production of the usg crowd is limited to merely rehashing points debunked within a week or two of the "controversy".
decimation: ben_vulpes, asciilifeform: http://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/iasa/ < usg says that ar civil aviation bureaucracy is rated "1"
decimation: noisy chump falls into the noisy usg chumpatron, news at 11
asciilifeform: in usg airport
asciilifeform: davout: the laptop thing is becoming standard in most of the usg world
mircea_popescu: basically the usg is about 15 and has grown up on a gated community. in connecticut.
asciilifeform: re: post office idiocy: i fully expect that before the era of usg is over, 'serenissima' cargo will routinely travel with real-time ir camera (and 'glonass') feed from inside the box.
mircea_popescu: when usg says something, it becomes allegedly, and until and unless it receives our imprimatur, it STAYS allegedly.
mircea_popescu: and this is why "apparently" is not more appropriate. the locus of power is b-a, not usg. when we say something here, fact or no fact, it becomes "apparently", like it or not like it.
danielpbarron: (unless you balance it out with 9x non-promotional material) << there is a ratio specified in the rules?? reddit is like USG training camp
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i'm rather surprised it took them so long to hook up the goldpricedumpatron to btc << You once said, "USG is still trying to find way to put lead into bitcoin bars."
decimation: mircea_popescu: it's common in the us for a usg employee to regard himself as 'apolitical' because he wasn't elected
asciilifeform: phun phakt: usg really did come out with a 'standard' cpu!
decimation: yet he has given his life and his own son in service of usg, and accomplished nothing
decimation: he is now on a krazy korner railing against usg
mircea_popescu: and you know exactly how it'll go : the usg horde will derp their derpage, most idiots of the jwz ilk will "not want to pick the political bone" and so on and so forth.
ascii_field: when usg officials start vanishing from the stage because no longer can pay bills, rather than folks like moiety disappearing from our ranks - then we know, yes, victory
ascii_field: 116mil 'mystery startup' << expect to see $maxint of this. usg will build malicious 'wallets' and other mainstreamadoptatron crap for all-comers
asciilifeform: caveat is that the ancient truce whereby usg would not openly fuck with a church - no longer really holds
asciilifeform: wasn't speaking, note, of whether usians will smoke weed mostly without harassment (they already have for years) - but of whether fed usg specifically will let go of the bludgeon
assbot: Logged on 11-03-2015 00:25:57; asciilifeform: when has usg legalized anything formerly forbidden ?
mircea_popescu: anyway. so teh usg-vc-turdatron is "building prediction markets" and usgavin is "building consensus" among the "core developers" of a meanwhile obsoleted branch of bitcoin core.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-03-2015#1047863 << the only one that solved the problem the usg backed "teams" are "working towards" i would presume without reading. ☝︎
asciilifeform: usg assets don't surrender, they keep doing their thing until the stool is kicked and the rope goes taught. or how did it go.
mircea_popescu: "i'm going to pretend like if i find five people that can be bribed, scared or fooled then that's all that was needed to begin with. just, the usg is so ridiculous, toothless and impotent I CANT EVEN SAY WHO THE FUCK THE FIVE WILL BE. hopefully we even find five idiots, or else... whatever, three's enough. one's me, one's me dressed as satoshi, one's me in my wife's panties. win!"
asciilifeform: eventually a 'multicopter' (perhaps usg provocateur-piloted) will be used in some loud, public vandalism (graffiti of $landmark or wtf) and it'll be 'reichstag fire'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Of course, but maybe it might make sense USG-ified on a boat
asciilifeform: what will almost certainly be usg-banned quite soon - and banned the way chemistry as a class was, rather than as specific types of small arm were - is flying machines
asciilifeform: usg could and did put down rebellion even in the era when arbitrary hardware was permitted to whoever could afford it
asciilifeform: trinque: it isn't like one could cut through a phalanx of usg stormtroopers and stay legally in the clear simply because the machine is not banned per se
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: usg-sponsored ($maxint) laser shenanigans traditionally involve chemical (that is, single-shot) machines