446 entries in 0.814s
thestringpuller: notarybot is merging with scoopbot?
BingoBoingo: The scoopbot always on patch seems to need work
thestringpuller: scoopbot don't got the scoop?
thestringpuller: where is scoopbot
mircea_popescu: no scoopbot, no peterl... wha happened here!
cazalla: scoopbot once again will not get the scoop
PeterL: by the way, I added code to scoopbot, now if he disconnects he should reconnect, hopefully this will keep him running
cazalla: scoopbot, wru
mircea_popescu: PeterL hey listen, can you make a website for the scoopbot bot ? put it under blogs.bitcoin-assets.com liek before ?
PeterL: ;;later tell pete_dushenski sorry about missing your blog, looks like scoopbot crashed before you posted it
gribble: scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 hours, 59 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/trendon-shavers-aka-pirateat40-faces-criminal-fraud-charges/
mircea_popescu: ;;seen scoopbot
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell peterl why didn't scoopbot pick up my last contravex piece?
cazalla: scoopbot, you gonna get the scoop or what pal
BingoBoingo: <PeterL> was there a consensus as to if I should add prestonbryne.com to scoopbot's list? << Prolly not, he stops by here very rarely.
PeterL: was there a consensus as to if I should add prestonbryne.com to scoopbot's list?
cazalla: you got the scoop this time scoopbot
cazalla: i'll keep pasting em seeing scoopbot no longer has the scoop
mircea_popescu: !down scoopbot
PeterL: ;;later tell bingoboingo if you want scoopbot to link to n00dz and tits, you just have to put them in your blog
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell peterl maybe ratelimit scoopbot ? 1/hr/domain or something ? also add update protection somehow ? otherwise the temptation to flood is too great.
BingoBoingo: scoopbot request tits
mircea_popescu: o nice, scoopbot.
cazalla: beat you to it, scoopbot
mike_c: ;;rate PeterL 1 author of scoopbot
mircea_popescu: scoopbot hello
BingoBoingo: scoopbot request n00dz
scoopbot: New post on BTC Scoop by peter: http://blog.btcscoop.com/introducing-the-scoopbot/
PeterL: oh, a second nick grouped to scoopbot?
gribble: Nick 'scoopbot', with hostmask 'scoopbot!~scoopbot@cphost02.qhoster.net', is not identified.
mike_c: ;;ident scoopbot
PeterL: !up scoopbot
PeterL: my next task is to rework all scoopbot's commands to respond to his name
PeterL: !up scoopbot
PeterL: ok, now scoopbot should include the author.
PeterL: so scoopbot is ready (penguirker replacement), I suppose I need to talk to you about registering him in the chan?
PeterL: !up scoopbot
PeterL: who do I talk to to not have to !up scoopbot?
PeterL: !up scoopbot
BingoBoingo: !up scoopbot
PeterL: question: my scoopbot dumps links from posts into the chan, should I ask to have assbot ignore it or provide the title of each link?
assbot: Logged on 25-10-2014 01:11:55; PeterL: mircea_popescu: scoopbot is a replacement for penguiker
PeterL: mircea_popescu: scoopbot is a replacement for penguiker
mircea_popescu: PeterL what' scoopbot do ?
mircea_popescu: whoa w3ho made the scoopbot ?
BingoBoingo: !Up scoopbot