348 entries in 0.913s

ben_vulpes: ui programmers are especially prone to this, imho because the smalltalk
MPI style of MVC and data marshalling through layers is very much not a paradigm that lends itself to simplicity of code design.
ascii_field meanwhile cut another ~100kB of crud off
mpi adlai: ok, that one gives me the same. the ones that I checked (mod6's V,
mpi-genesis) did not.
phf: asciilifeform: did you see my message about leftover i18n stuff in
jurov: which
mpi.tar.gz misdownloads? the one on ml?
lobbes: ascii_field: I *was* able to verify
mpi-genesis.tar.gz.sig (downloaded from IE); yet to diff with wget version
ascii_field: (deliberately not released with the
mpi, because imho they are separate concerns)
assbot: Logged on 31-10-2015 21:45:55; mircea_popescu: re asciilifeform
mpi : the actual extraction, and especially auditing of the rng is a very worthy project.
mircea_popescu: re asciilifeform
mpi : the actual extraction, and especially auditing of the rng is a very worthy project.
☟︎ mod6: asciilifeform thx for posting the
MPI stuff.
Apocalyptic: t2 = mpi_alloc_secure( mpi_get_nlimbs(p) );
Apocalyptic: t1 = mpi_alloc_secure( mpi_get_nlimbs(p) );
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> maybe i wanna use e = 2686977, whose business is it. << i was looking at this yesterday too, had the same impression. mpi_set_ui( e, 65537);
mod6: they're both declared with type
MPI, was just curious i guess.
mod6: mpi_sub_ui( t2, q, 1 );
mod6: mpi_sub_ui( t1, p, 1 );
mod6: asciilifeform: you're familiar with
mpi right?
mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/mpifg_book/mpifg_bd_36.pdf > " Einen Antrag zur Förderung einer elektronischen Nachfolgeversion der Z-3, den sein Mit- arbeiter Elektroingenieur Helmut Schreyer stellte, lehnte die deutsche Reichsregierung als »nicht kriegswichtig« ab (Petzold 1985: 316). " They tried to get the nazi gov to pay for the advancement of the Z-3, but it was deemed "not war-worthy"
nubbins`: trying to figure out how to get apache to play nice with