800+ entries in 0.006s

mod6: ah, gotcha. but 3 people, or 3 boxen?
mod6: the latter half of that previous line didn't quite parse for me. care to expand on that a bit?
mod6: i'd say that's the correct approach.
mod6: for sure, glad he's been able to give his guidence.
mod6: asciilifeform: Well, that ~might~ be true. We ought to proceed though with careful steps to ensure we don't overlook something; we need to ensure that everyone is settled correctly, accurately. Having some oversight from mircea_popescu on this will be good.
mod6: asciilifeform: that's decent news. but still, we should proceed with our customers needs first. then, possibly, see what we can do for Pizarro.
mod6: Well, so the way I see it: On the off chance that we'd win some sort of judgement, even if the courts are expedient, and I doubt that they are; We should continue on our current path. Pay what ever we need to pay back to customers out of what we have on-hand, make shipments, what have you. Then if there is cash left over, make a decision at that time.
mod6: It may not be a bad idea to look into. I just, for what its worth, have my doubts that much comes of it.
mod6: However, I'm not closing the door on the whole thing. We'll have to evaluate our liabilities to our customers, cash on hand, who would be owed what, etc.
mod6: re: lawsuit, i've been following along here since the onset of this. I get the overall sense that not much may come of it, and similar to what MP was saying, would have been helpful to have some attourney long ago, as opposed to now. Especially regarding the fact that we've been getting screwed for years. A judgement might only consist of some repayment for recent month.
mod6: asciilifeform: werd.
mod6: asciilifeform: fair enough. we'll see, one step at a time.
mod6: BingoBoingo: The directories are listed in my pgp msg.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: why wouldja want the raid card but not the whole box ? << Perhaps a bit premature to ask for this. Let's see if BB can get the back up completed, then will decide on whether to sell the box or have it shipped back whole, or parts.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> asciilifeform mod6: I plan to return and SSH into the box. << Thanks BB!
mod6: Thanks BingoBoingo. If it proves difficult to get logged into the server with the disks in the enclosures; perhaps don't worry about it, can just ship the disks back. But while you're at it, it may be pretty helpful if you pull out the raid card and drive cables to the card and send that along as well.
mod6: BingoBoingo: Working on some login info for you here...
mod6: gotta run out for some meat. will be keeping up on logz tho. ttyl.
mod6: asciilifeform: ah, ok, good to know.
mod6: asciilifeform: that'll suffice. will work with BB as needed.
mod6: mp_en_viaje: Fair enough, I seem to remember this as a problem with striping.. like a RAID 5.
mod6: I'd like to see the whole box backed up, but really, (iirc) the /var partition holds the website data. The node chain is less important.
mod6: Ah, ok. I can't be certain it is a 3ware. Maybe BB can check inside the box.
mod6: It serves two functions: 1. tbf website, 2. trb node.
mod6: asciilifeform: The tbf box in the rack would be nice to be backed up -- I believe, from memory, this is a raid configuration in there. If the drives are pulled and not numbered correctly, probably can't re-create.
mod6: trinque: no, I haven't spoken to him about that.
mod6: Invoices to be directed to jurov, he pays them out.
mod6: asciilifeform: I don't see a reason to keep it up, because it isn't being used. Let's let mircea_popescu weigh in on this though. Anyway, I'm totally fine if you want to invoice the foundation for what you spent on it.
mod6: Feels pretty good so far to be free of that. I don't think it's sunk in quite yet, but it will. :]
mod6: Thanks, mp_en_viaje! Yeah, it was rough.
mod6: hola, ya; java mine, was performance engineer.
mod6: asciilifeform: I may have to find a time to go and check it out, ya. Not sure quite when, but yeah, will start thinking in earnest about it.
mod6: Not much to even blog about at this point. I basically just showed up, handed in my laptop & sec badge. "I don't work here any more. kthxbye."
mod6: I've been running around last week or so, getting things in order. It's been kinda wild.
mod6: Overall though, big step in the right direction.
mod6: Now, I've got some money for now, so I'm going to be able to take at least the rest of the year off. Beyond that, I'm still working on the details a bit; may do some per-diem consulting as I need to or what not.
mod6: Hai all, it's been a pretty intense month - lot going on here. I've left my 9-5 job!
mod6: just stopped in for a moment, shall bbl.
mod6: hai asciilifeform :]
mod6: mircea_popescu: oh no! sorry to hear about the mobo. not an emergency at all. in a rush atm, will re-send later, no worries. :]
mod6: crap, being called off for just a moment here. bbs
mod6: Yeah, will do. It'll be an adventure.
mod6: (Mainly follows what I talked about in the logs a couple of days ago.)
mod6: lobbes: thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate that.
mod6: im up to 490 on the foundation's node @ piz.
mod6: yeah, lots to do still.
mod6: asciilifeform: cool, got it.
mod6: i use the page daily, works well.
mod6: thanks for your efforts in building logtron.
mod6: i saw in the logs that others were standing one up - immediately thought "ok, yup do this too." but before I embark on yet another thing, need to ensure that i have proper time. but i'll add it to list for sure.
mod6: i see him in my logz too
mod6: soon i'll have none left!
mod6: it's already been too long.
mod6: the important thing for me is that i'm resolved to not just sit around and wait for things to happen to me, re: 9-5 tarpit. im starting down a path of emacipation from that. might take some time, but not too much time.
mod6: indeed like quicksand.
mod6: thanks alf, will write when complete.
mod6: but now, need to re-invent myself a bit. need to move on from 9-5ism, and be my own man. will be a "project" for me, but working on the deets/plans atm.
mod6: *nod* in the early days, pre-tmsr, I had a similar thing, was much easier to stay focused/up-to-date.
mod6: cheers, yeah will do.
mod6: but yeah, 9th circle. but now, I'm committing myself to getting rid of the salt-mine, somehow. I've got to do some thinking, and talking to peoples, etc. but I want out of that life.
mod6: busy. took a vacation. needed to think about things. mainly about my tarpit problems; still a problem circa november of last year.
mod6: BingoBoingo: ok, banners should be there. want to try again? (otherwise, can move to blog post)
mod6: happens sometimes, ya
mod6: asciilifeform: ok cool thx.
mod6: as per your comment re banners, BingoBoingo, will look.
mod6: asciilifeform: lemme check
mod6: was stuck on 449 for a bit tho.
mod6: i've got up through 451 now.
mod6: Ah, jeeze. mircea_popescu isn't here is he.
mod6: I've got to stop moving for a minute and eat something, and then write up a basic nothing-burger of a foundation report. I'll be back around in a bit.
mod6: Like I said earlier this year, I do care about my wot-rating, so I don't want to damage that. Let's discuss/work together to help me move on from these things.
mod6: But all of this has beaten me down. I've been trying to soldier on this year, being productive, helpful. But it's not working out, is it?