1100+ entries in 0.012s
mod6: or
mod6: irc.mod6.net / #trilema if you wanna join up and test
mod6: Got a ratbox setup, gonna need to do some testing
mod6: Cool: 02:43 -!- Welcome to the TMSR Internet Relay Chat Network mod6
mod6 bbl, mmmeat :]
mod6: i'll also state that mine was never huge either. had ~2-3 channels, ~20-25 users. the biggest thing I recall was just having enough b/w so peeps stay connected.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-12#1901578 << I'll see what I can do about standing up an ircd sometime this week. It'll take a bit to lock down the conf of the thing, but eventually, if all looks good, we should be able to link up our nodes, trinque. ☝︎
mod6: For what I can see, I'm not so certain that we're married to IRC, but I suspect that our bots/loggers are a bit more closely wed to the protocol.
mod6: I could stand one up somewhere, my time is a bit limited this week. Might have some time this weekend.
mod6: I myself used to run an ircd-hybrid, but that was srsly like 20 years ago. So I'm not sure how much active knowledge I have on the subject, currently. Anyway, whatever or where ever we go, it's just a temporary place until we have gossipd.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-12#1901514 << I'm of the thinking we should move too; however, I've been thinking the same thing all day, 'where?'. Looks like the court is investigating some options for existing networks, as well as considering one of our own. ☝︎
mod6 bbl
mod6: I also have tar'd up the entire cuntoo build directory, but have not posted it. It's like 1.7G, but will send it somewhere if someone wants it.
mod6: I have also posted the entire typescript (47Mb WARNING) of the build to my website: http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-2/nomods.cuntoo.build.typescript
mod6: Is there anything else I can check for you while I have your ear?
mod6: Gotcha.
mod6: It was just "plugged in" to SATA channel 2.
mod6: Oh, sorry, I guess I wasn't excatly sure what you were asking me to look for, and where. I never had /dev/sdb mounted when I did the bootstrap.
mod6: Is this what you're asking?
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CLgnR/?raw=true
mod6: trinque: aha. yeah, powered down, plugged my gentoo SSD back in, and am booted into gentoo where i've built cuntoo.
mod6: I've looked at the genesis.vpatch that was genereated ( http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-2/nomods.genesis.vpatch ), and at first glance I don't see these files in their paths. (even if I remove the preceeding 'a/').
mod6: trinque: Ok, immediately I notice that in my /home/mod6/cuntoo/nomods/cuntoo working directory, from which I ran `./bootstrap.sh -k config/cuntoo-test1 -d /dev/sdb` there is currently nothing in the 'build' directory.
mod6: Ok, I'm gonna shutdown the cuntoo box, and boot my original gentoo ssd (where I built cuntoo from). I'll see what I can find out from the genesis.vpatch thing.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> we also host owner-operated iron (e.g. dulap is still snsa ; and trinque has some, and mod6 ) << The Foundation's 2nd box ("lovelace") is with ben_vulpes, currently. He's going to find a home for it in his new area, last we had talked about it. I don't have any machines on-hand that are waiting to go to .uy. However, I might be interested in buying a UY1 style machine from alf...
mod6: *write up
mod6: Anyway, nice write & script!
mod6: hanbot: I did see these questions pop up too while doing the cuntoo bootstrap. This in particular happened to me after I copied my working gentoo kernel from /usr/src/linux/.config to cuntoo/myCopiedConfig, then replaced all of the =m with =y ( sed -i 's/=m/=y/' myCopiedConfig).
mod6: howdy
mod6: Eitherway, I'll read logs and catch up if you proceed without me, of course.
mod6: My availability is pretty limited that day, during the day. Probably will be around later that evening, or more for sure on Sunday.
mod6: Just let me know.
mod6: I'll do what I can this weekend, time-permitting.
mod6: trinque: thx! and yah, it was nice to get that going.
mod6: trinque: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RYXo6/?raw=true
mod6: thanks mircea_popescu!
mod6: Lords and Ladies of the Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation's State of Bitcoin Address [February] : http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-March/000325.html
mod6: ty lobbes, will write up for sure.
mod6: If inquiring minds would like to know, happy to elaborate. But I'll put up a blog post about it sometime before the end of the weekend I suspect. ☟︎
mod6: ty, feels good man
mod6 booted Cuntoo
mod6: mircea_popescu: ty!
mod6 bbl
mod6: hola!
mod6: thanks asciilifeform; the one thing that changed, other than the hashes (from sha512->keccak) in the vpatches, is in the genesis.vpatch, I removed that UTF-8 character. ☟︎
mod6: mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kr8CA/?raw=true
mod6: Once complete, will re-inflate. Will report back more tomorrow. Thanks for help!
mod6: Ok, no more '=m', now zeroing drive.
mod6: Alright, that's what I'll do.
mod6: Ok, so do `sed -i 's/=m/=y/g' trb-test1`, then rebuild and try again?
mod6: oh crap, maybe overlooked that asciilifeform. I can change and retry if that's the best plan.
mod6: http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-1/trb-test1-kernel-config << asciilifeform my trb-test1 kernel config
mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, one sec.
mod6: trinque: hmm, ok.
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zHUbI/?raw=true << vdiff info, built with the gnat '16 blob, and starter_v.zip
mod6: I'm 98% sure that I got my vdiff out of diana_coman's starter_v.zip, lemme double check.
mod6: ok so next marching orders are to not do the USB Stick, and `lsmod -v` compare; but instead, will take a few days to look into initramfs, and then try to build another?
mod6: yup np.
mod6: trinque: http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-1/genesis.vpatch
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/g7Y5f/?raw=true << weird, 133682 genesis.vpatch lines long tho, so maybe too big. I'll post it, one sec.
mod6: hmm, nope didn't verify. I threw in a sha512 of each sigfile just to ensure that I have the correct ones: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CCU2l/?raw=true
mod6: thx
mod6: Oh, no, I got side tracked. It never did match up for me. Let me check on the latest one that was output.
mod6: Ok, starting small, I got you. I dunno where the fire is either -- I don't know why I'm in any sort of rush here.
mod6: I suppose there's some good wisdom in that. I wouldn't want mircea_popescu torch his trb if it does weird shit on a 'getinfo' either.
mod6: you know? I think learning about it is a fine thing, probably would make me understand the errors of my ways.
mod6: but, I just followed some steps, I didn't know too much about what it was doing, or myself.
mod6: so i just wiped the disk again and moved on.
mod6: but I didn't really know what do with it.
mod6: you know, at one point i did actually handroll an initramfs on cuntoo, at which point I updated the /etc/lilo.conf and when I booted, and it panic'd, it did drop me into a shell.
mod6: *nod*
mod6: ok.
mod6: ok, but it is understood that we're talking about the same box though, right?
mod6: and if alf's way seems like a sane thing to try, that's what I'm working on now. otherwise, I'm all ears and can adjust as you see fit.
mod6: anyway, im here for you baby.
mod6: i suspect that if we did have a beer irl, some of this would be cleared up.
mod6: lol. I'm gonna have to do that when reading trinque. Just add accent.
mod6: lol, not trying to guess your state. your language seems strong, so I sense irritation.
mod6: Anything that even remotely looks like the finish line seems like a win -- even if it's not.
mod6: Like I said, didn't mean to offend in any sort of manner. I just got excited, thinking I was on the right track, and tried to get the thing up and running. I mean, shit, it's been like 13 or 14 days now of reboots, inflations, etc.
mod6: I'll try to do this the way that #t sees fit. but, on my own, left to my own decision making (as I don't know much about these things) might be a bit askew.
mod6: no worries, we'll get there.
mod6: Cool, yeah, that too.
mod6: Ok, even if its not. I'm just saying I'd never expect anyone to follow the initramfs thing or any other thing. You know way more about what is kosher in gentoo/cuntoo than I do.
mod6: I'm not asking you to add my posbox foibles into your config. trb/ada/musl that I want to test on there doesn't care what kernel modules are loaded.
mod6: Ok, I see this as distinctly differnt.
mod6: Anyway, do you agree with what alf has asked me to try next?
mod6: Are you saying that your claim is that is what I'm saying, or is that what you are saying?
mod6: I'm not sure that I get your meaning. ☟︎
mod6: But alf helped me to realize that there is a way we can still try to diagnose this issue by trying to boot off of USB stick, so I'm going to attempt that first before any more initramfs stuff.
mod6: I posted a jpg of the beginning of my genkernel. Basically there is another similar command to make the initramfs. Both end in failure that I spoke about above.
mod6: Maybe it is, maybe misjudged.
mod6: So if you can glean soemthing off of my exp. that's great. I just didn't view the problems with my pos box to be super helpful to you.
mod6: I don't quite see it that way, I'm just trying to do Foundation work, that does overlap with the Cuntoo work.
mod6: But not matter what happens, I'll be sure to provide you with any information that I can provide. Who knows, maybe this is a shit system or some such.
mod6: well, that's a win for me, the only thing that sucks is you don't get to make your improvements from my own experience.
mod6: Maybe we're talking past eachother a bit here. Anyway, I don't know much about these things. I'm kinda learning bit by bit as I go... it all certainly doesn't "fit in head" or whatever yet.
mod6: I'm the fool here, not you.
mod6: Trying to make an educated guess, or educated experiment I suppose. Are you disappointed that I tried to make the initramfs? If so, why does this bother you so?
mod6: Sometimes that means taking a shot in the dark, even if it's misguided from the point of view of someone who knows better.