1200+ entries in 0.005s
mod6: trinque: I have little clue of what I'm doing. I'm just trying to solve it, in the only ways that I can.
mod6: If going through all the motions to try to figure out what the actual hardware problem is, and it'll get me across the finish line, great. I'll do that, but I think you're acting as if I'm somehow trying to violate you.
mod6: I'm just a guy, trying to boot the thing so I can test something totally not related to kernel mods.
mod6: You have to understand, that I'm not trying to piss you off here. I don't even look at it on this level.
mod6: I'm not a "kernel hacker guy", so I've been down these roads based on trying to emulate what I see working in my other machines, and various online posts in teh gentoo forums and others.
mod6: So the thinking behind initramfs: 1. I have one on the working gentoo on that box, 2. from what I've read that can help with various kernel related problems
mod6 f00d
mod6: Ok, thank you gentlemen. I appreciate the insight & help.
mod6: I want it ~clean~ and not munged up by whatever other attemps and genkernel fuckery.
mod6: Might take a bit, but I'll begin work on that tomorrow-ish. Should have something to look at hopefully by Friday evening-ish. I'll inflate an entirely fresh cuntoo.
mod6: alrighty then.
mod6: so, `dd` the entire cuntoo ssd disk onto a usb, then attempt to boot the USB, and then do the lsmod diff between the USB cuntoo and the SSD cuntoo?
mod6: See, I kinda thought the SCSI subsystem thing meant that SATA was ready.
mod6: So next mission is to use a clean USB drive, and inflate cuntoo onto that, and then try?
mod6: fair enough
mod6: i just have no idea what.
mod6: *nod* it's something dumb as fuck
mod6: The funny part is, it could jsut be this one really obnoxious setting that I'm missing; I feel like it was that way back when I did gentoo in '15.
mod6: instead of 6900 reboots
mod6: at least I could figure out wtf and try to pair it down later.
mod6: Shit, 500Mb no problem.
mod6: it's like, fuck this, I want a "GIVE_ME_EVERYTHING_YOUVE_GOT_WHORE" flag that build every driver known. ☟︎
mod6: yup, liqshit.
mod6: Could be, a solid way to try to prove that is the USB Stick route. Because, I'm not super well versed in SATA kernel drivers.
mod6: His thing has the stage3 in there iirc.
mod6: asciilifeform: everything comes with trinque's cuntoo afaik
mod6: Which is why, in the first place, I thought I had a bad SSD. Which is why I ended up buying a second one just to be sure.
mod6: Totally is blowing my hair back.
mod6: It's wild.
mod6: I know right!
mod6: So, if I take this route, I'll have to make sure those options are turned on for sure.
mod6: I did look through the makemenuconfig, there are a lot of added in USB drivers. however, there was one option that I noticed that I should look hard at (all when trying to do the genkernel for different reasons), which is the Intel USB Drivers.
mod6: Ok, so you're saying: Do all of the above steps, but instead of using a SATA SSD, inflate cuntoo onto a USB stick?
mod6: Right, well, cuntoo expands all of those things and build it, you just feed it a config. So if there is something that is "off" about my config with some other slightly different source version, then that might be a part of it.
mod6: certainly possible. seems totally wacky to me that the same kernel config would boot gentoo perfectly, but not cuntoo. note in the wotpaste above that I copied in my /usr/src/linux/.config from gentoo directly and build that config.
mod6: But since that was an utter failure, I'm just trying something different because of /dev/disk/by-uuid/ or whatever it is.
mod6: The days leading up to the blog post, i used nothing but names: /dev/sda{1,2,3} and eschewed UUIDs totally.
mod6: Oh, i totally felt the same way.
mod6: So perhaps im kindof on the right track - use UUIDs where I can, and build an initramfs... however, haven't had a lot of success with building the initramfs yet. I may have to fight through that. But that's the latest update.
mod6: my disk is a WD 250Gb SSD SATA
mod6: mircea_popescu: It's SATA.
mod6: But I keep getting failures that say "Failed to compile the "all" target. No matter what I do it seems.
mod6: So I went to build one, but that was barfing on me. Which lead me to find this kernel option 'CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL=y'. Which would help me complete the build of the initramfs. http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-1/genkern/genkern.jpg ☟︎
mod6: Yes.
mod6: Then I got on the track that perhaps i do need to have an initramfs. ☟︎
mod6: No Sir.
mod6: I think that I might be on the right track here though, and I did try a few other things after reading some documentation. For instance, after the above, I changed /etc/fstab to use only UUIDs instead of '/dev/sda{1,2,3}', and then tried that. Same problem essentialy. I also found about 'PARTUUID', which is supposed to help in certain circumstances. Nothing has worked yet...
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BoTML/?raw=true << Ok, so after installing Cuntoo, I did what I said I'd do, which was test editing the append section and throwing a UUID in there instead of 'root=/dev/sda3'. It didn't work, I did get a kern dump.
mod6: g'night!
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ht6ey/?raw=true << Ok, inflating /dev/sdb with cuntoo. Will report back more tomorrow after install is complete, and I update the lilo.conf via LiveCD chroot mount of cuntoo. Will post lilo.conf changes, and results.
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JvAuR/?raw=true << Ok, zero'ing out /dev/sdb with 'dd', will run installer after that's complete.
mod6: Will kick off the bootstrap.sh shortly.
mod6: Booted back into Gentoo on SATA channel 1.
mod6: ok CDROM power & SATA cable unplugged from SATA channel 2, and plugged into 250Gb WD SSD.
mod6: Alright, well if the pictures are unnecessary, will just skip that part. About to hook up that 250Gb Disk to SATA2 and inflate a fresh cunt(oo) on there.
mod6: Anyway, 'tis all for now, thanks for the info.
mod6: It's strange because this particular box has like 10 USB ports on it. 2 in the front of the chassis, and like 8 in the back. I wonder if it's like a special add-on thing, I was going to take some pictures for you all, but I need to get down there and do that yet tonight.
mod6: The other weird thing is that 'usb hub' as shown in the kernel.debug file. I do own a USB hub, as I bought one to test multiple FGs at the same time, but it's been just sitting on my desk for weeks.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-11#1895003 << re: So I didn't ever use a USB boot disk, I actually was just using the Live CD to do the chrooting/troubleshooting. But I did the `./bootstrap.sh` from the working gentoo environment. ☝︎
mod6: (and the others with UUIDs at the same time. Who knows, maybe that's the thing. I'll try to setup tonight for another build.)
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-11#1894999 << This is actually one thing that I have not tried, I had previously done it both ways with root & boot, as /dev/sda & /dev/sda3 respectively, and with UUIDs. However, this line in particular: 'append="root=/dev/sda3 console=ttyS0,115200n8 net.ifnames=0"' I should try the UUID with instead of /dev/sda3. ☝︎
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-11#1894987 << no prob! ☝︎
mod6: I can give it a try and report back on this as well. I have a couple of things to investigate for trinque first though.
mod6: cheers, bbl.
mod6: ok, that blog post is now: http://blog.mod6.net/2019/02/a-cuntoo-adventure ☟︎
mod6: Settings->Permalink Settings->Month and name (radio button) looks like.
mod6: can this be set in the admin-thingy? or does this have to be straight into the PHP?
mod6: hmm, ok.
mod6: BingoBoingo: what is meant by 'human readable'? I can mouse over them and they seem to be correct.
mod6: trinque: thank you for your comment; will respond when I can gather up some more info.
mod6: aight bbl.
mod6: oh hey, i guess i was added to the roll.
mod6: I've got to go do some snow removal, will be back in a bit.
mod6: http://blog.mod6.net/?p=42 << Ok, I've got that blog post up.
mod6: Guys, I'm gonna work on this blog post, then unbury myself from the latest 5" of snow that just landed on me. Let's take this all back up when this is done.
mod6 drops head.
mod6: I'm not focused on any feelings. I just would rather not bother you.
mod6: I mean "lately" as in, the last year or so... which is fine. I should have just started blogging immediately instead of trying to resolve my issues for 10 days.
mod6: This is perhaps why I never reached out.
mod6: I tend, lately to stay away from asking trinque questions, as I seem to get punched in the face as opposed to helpful responses.
mod6: Well, if your frustrated with me, I apologize. I'm just trying to get this up and going so I can test Keccak TRB on here.
mod6: Also, I'm remembering now, trinque, that I did ask alf about my inital hang that I had in #piz. He suggested that I had a kernel problem, but I never did really ask about it otherwise. I just tried to solve my own problem.
mod6: Anyway, I think I'm just a bit frustrated.
mod6: Well, it seemed to me there was a pretty lengthy conversation about Ada threading issues over the last two days, I didn't want to make my problems (with a possible questionable box) the center of attention for everyone.
mod6: Because after all the gentoo problems I had back in '15, I wanted to be sure that I had exausted all the things before bringing this forward.
mod6: I've conducted quite a bit of work over these last 10 days, and I know mod6 seems like a "n00b" and "doesn't know what he's doing", but I have managed to install gentoo quite a few times since '15. But yeah, always learning.
mod6: trinque: what do you mean by 'angular'? If you mean, why so terse? Because I don't want to flood #t with a ton of information, as I'm afraid I'll also leave something out. ☟︎
mod6: trinque: I'm getting there, it'll be in the blog post.
mod6: *shrug*
mod6: yup, ok that seemed to do the trick. no idea how mbr or bootloader would have been corrupted. ☟︎
mod6: files backed up. ok, well, i've re-run `grub-install /dev/sda && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg`. we'll see if this resolves it.
mod6: yeah
mod6: I think I'm just going to junk this box.
mod6: But that's what I've got now. 2 250Gb SSDs with Cuntoo on them, neither boot, and now a 500Gb Gentoo disk that has worked perfectly up until just this very moment, which also doesn't boot.
mod6: So during this adventure, I initially bought a WD 250Gb SATA SSD, upon which I installed cuntoo. Which I never did get to work. Upon initial suspicion that disk might be bad, I bought another 250Gb WD SSD and installed cuntoo on that also. Same error. So I at least removed the variable of "disk is bad". ☟︎
mod6: Anyway, I'll dig up the artifacts off the gentoo disk with the Live CD and still make a post. But regardless, I think I'm gonna have to buy a new machine to mess with this any further.
mod6: What a nightmare. This box has been rock-solid for nearly a year, but now I suspect that perhaps this is a hardware problem with the MB or something? Perhaps the 78 power-cycles and SATA disk swapping that I did over the last 10 days totally hosed the machine itself.
mod6: I can still access the disk via Live CD... so at least I can get the data off the drive.
mod6: ub command prompt.
mod6: Well, during the information gathering of my blog post, I went to boot back into my never-has-failed me Gentoo installation on my 500Gb SSD. And now I'm getting: "Welcome to GRUB! \n error no such device: e45d853f-... \n error: unknown filesystem \n Entering rescue mode... \n grub rescue>" which doesn't let me boot by selecting: linux (hd0,1)/<kernel_name> root=(hd0,3) \n boot different than the normal gr ☟︎