11200+ entries in 0.022s
mod6: Yah, looking forward to that.
mod6: Last summer I thought I would boil a few days with wool. So, high time to get something ligher. :]
mod6: He said that it's very nice to hear someone wants one, he says that almost no-one even thinks about them or wants them. Which he thinks is crazy too, since it's so HUMID in the summer.
mod6: I talked to my tailor today about getting some linen suits made for this upcoming summer. Guy was shocked.
mod6: We've moved into the testing phase of the changes for V. So that's nice.
mod6: shinohai: +1 outstanding work! thanks for testing those for me. much appreciated.
mod6: <+thestringpuller>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612224 << gcc (Debain 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2 ; the problem is g++ won't install due to some dependency conflict in apt-get ; I don't know exactly what package(s) is(are) causing it... << ahh, huh. well, if you ever figure out what it is, let us know.
☝︎ mod6: can you send us log of what you're seeing?
mod6: shinohai: ah, cool! yeah, no worries or anything. just was a thought.
mod6: <+jhvh1> shinohai: Time since last block: 1 minute and 47 seconds << I'm not sure who is the admin for this one off hand, but is there any opposition to adding the current block height on there along with the time?
☟︎ mod6: That's just what it is, nonsense. Nonsense from scammer scumbags.
mod6: maybe going forward, i'll add the most recent block height in there.
mod6: a few months back, i actually said it was "October" when it was in fact, November. No one said anything though. Every now and again, one sneaks by me.
mod6: oh, whoops. looks like i forgot what year it is.
mod6: Hm. Well, maybe I'll take out the check then. And it's really up to the operator.
mod6: re: question for the user to proceed with multiple roots; this adds a level of annoyance. thoughts?
mod6: weird. must be within error tolerance eh?
mod6: ben_vulpes: i like how wotpaste works in lynx btw.
mod6: oh fwiw, like we discussed, I also added a "multiple roots found, continue?" question for the user.
mod6: eventually maybe, anyway.
mod6: we have very few tests, and we need probably thousands.
mod6: I need to get the ball rolling for something like that with TRB as well.
mod6: that could be an entire role for someone aspiring to help out in all seriousness.
mod6: as far as testing, it can not be understated how important the automated tests were for V to ensure that regressions did not happen. would be great to eventually have a framework build up for eulora so that functional and unit testing could be inplace the same way.
mod6: it actually doesn't take long to set it up at all. but i need every spare minute possible for V atm. but when I have a few spare cycles, I'll get that going. at least I have a box for it now.
mod6: best game evar basically.
mod6: but, i'll see about getting that new client setup. i kinda want to use foxybot to mine stuff for me.
mod6: diana_coman: well, i've got a box. my main focus has been getting these V changes put in. and pretty much think that's complete, but got a ton of testing in front of me.
mod6: <+diana_coman> mod6, it was actually quite decent << right on. how've you been lately? how's eulorian things?
mod6: Batten down the hatches.
mod6: Wow. Tomorrow is supposed to be 34 deg. C.
mod6: So walks are not so punishing?
mod6: In the summer, does it cool off quite a bit at night though?
mod6: aha. the autumn in .ar is pretty plesant though.
mod6: *nod* it is fairly warm there. it certainly isn't like where I'm at. I mean, it's less extreme. Here it gets really hot and humid in the summer, and extra cold in the winter.
mod6: This one site says that there is amazing big game hunting in .ar: cougar, white-tail deer, "brocket" deer, and 'peccary'.
mod6: Yeah, no idea what they might have as far as game down in that region. Aside from like snakes. That's what I think of. Snakes.
mod6: I remember it being like a greasy chicken type thing. Even had some dark meat in there.
mod6: When I was out west, most of the deer were "mule-deer" much smaller than their northern conterparts. But there were wild-boar... so I guess I guy could have his pick from jack-rabbits or boar, or mule-deer. *shrug*
mod6: Which can be pretty big I suppose. I had it once. Was pretty tasty.
mod6: I suppose there are alyways things to hunt. Just not quite as large of game maybe? Although in the south east, they love, for instance, alligator.
mod6: lol! and may the gods make me swift.
mod6: I would like that kinda thing I think. Maybe in another life.
mod6: Only like 7 families remain. Most of them live off of moose & caribu I would guess. Fish. etc.
mod6: I was watching this recent show about this part of alaska that's now been deemed only for wild-life. It's this huge area in the artic circle. Some people still live there though, as they were granfathered in.
mod6: If shoot a moose or slaugher a pig, or whatever, gotta know how to take it apart and preserve the meat. Basic.
mod6: i totally missed out on that.
mod6: yeah, its a basic life skill.
mod6: someday, I really wanna get into butchery
mod6: that would be awesome, actually.
mod6: Looks ike a decent meat book.
mod6: if that doesn't do it, well then fuck me.
mod6: then after that I used a pair of metal cutting scissors and cut them in to very small pieces.
mod6: then after that I blow-torched 'em.
mod6: but then after that, i scrubbed them all with very corase sand paper.
mod6: so to the tune of boiling in tomato sauce... I did this.
mod6: lol, these people think i'm nuts. they're like, "mod6, how much do you want? quarter pound?." i'm like waving it in. "gimme the whole thing."
mod6: Oh, speaking of cured meats... I hit up the deli again today and picked up a bunch of different salami.
mod6: And looks like my couple of days playing with it paid off.
mod6: I'm starting a huge testing phase as we speak. I thought it was worth the effort to /try/ get it working for others.
mod6: At least, it looks like it's good so far.
mod6: Despite all of the recent discussion around multiple roots... I was able to get that working in the forthcoming version.
mod6: megal0g today, and yesterday. nice.
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> isn't that what you call that thing in basketball where one dood drives in and puts the ball up for someone else to net? << this is an alley-oop
mod6: <+asciilifeform> (i am speaking strictly of provably-unreachable routines. there are others that could be snipped, with some work, without affecting semantics) << indeed. i have collected some of these myself.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> Browser shots Sorry service is down for maintanence << dude they're not even trying anymore, the web's deader than shannen doherty's career << haha
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> make macs great again <+ben_vulpes> install openbsd on them << :D
mod6: <+davout> mod6: ty, will try the gnu-awk thing << ok, gl. let us know how it goes. i've had this issue before myself. i ~think~ that's what I did to resolve it on my african box.
mod6: <+asciilifeform>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-27#1608062 << that looks like an ordinary unix diff << yup. and if you got an error when running vdiff, some of us have run into this on various linux boxes. iirc the solution was to install a newer version of gnu-awk.
☝︎ mod6: Much appreciated. Other than this problem with the roots at hand, I think mine is in pretty great shape. The implementation of the all-antecedents axiom creates a bit of a slant here for what I have. But I'll do some digging into what your v99 looks like again and see if I can't get something resolved with that.
mod6: I appreciate both of your thoughts and considerations on the subject matter.
mod6: heheh. this is complicated huh.
mod6: it either goes in the tree or it does not exist.
mod6: i think that cow aught to be rebased perhaps
mod6: ok. what should the vtron do with these extra roots? place them at the end of the flow as leafs?
mod6: the main reason that I bring this up; 'foobar.vpatch' is being dumped out of the flow and causing problems since i've implemented the axiom of 'a vpatch can only be in the flow if all of its antecedents are present.' which causes a problem in this case as it gets chucked out as an orphan.
mod6: both of these have all inputs as 'false' -- hard for the code to tell which should be witch at face value without something "and it has at least one descendant"