149 entries in 0.641s

assbot: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into
Brock Pierce Thus Far
BingoBoingo: The best part of BitBet has to be that I would get 3+ BTC if as we type an erect
Brock Pierce is pulled out of a cub scout
assbot: BitBet -
Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation :: 0.3 B (3%) on Yes, 10.08 B (97%) on No | closing in 2 months 3 weeks | weight: 86`742 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: /TrueBitcoinGirl
Brock is a bonafide Chomo, you didn't "invest" in Usagi's Nyan.A by any chance did you?
BingoBoingo: soros: Is it the
Brock Pierce sex thing, srsly
rithm: oh yeah the
brock landers child sex thing too
BingoBoingo: Suppose Sinbad appears out of obscurity with Emilio Esteves and they accuse
Brock Pierce of molesting them.
assbot: BitBet -
Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation :: 0.16 B (2%) on Yes, 10.08 B (98%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 97`397 (100`000 to 1)
BingoBoingo: I'm not so sure. Maybe this
Brock dude has an Usagi complex?
assbot: BitBet -
Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation :: 0.03 B (0%) on Yes, 10.08 B (100%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 99`199 (100`000 to 1)
[]bot: Bet placed: 10 BTC for No on "
Brock Pierce to resign at BTC Foundation (
http://bitbet.us/bet/854/)". Odds: 0(Y):100(N) by coin, 0(Y):100(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.11 BTC. Current weight: 99,341.
Brock celebrates his second year on the board by hosting a youth swim meet in his jacuzzi.
HeySteve2: heh I was going to propose a
Brock bet but forgot, nice one
Shakespeare: When asked what one Bitcoin investment they'd make: "They're like children, you love them all." -
Brock Pierce
davout: also what's wrong with this
brock pierce guy?
Naphex: mircea_popescu: i had no idea who the
brock guy even was
mircea_popescu: Lets be clear here:
Brock Pierce considers his previous work with IGE to have been a positive contribution to virtual currencies as a whole and he holds the delusion that his work in the field was instrumental to paving the way for Bitcoin. He wishes to be The Godfather of Bitcoin... It means what you think it means, especially in Hollywood.
Brock Landers - Angels Live in My Town - YouTube
rithm: i like to call him
brock landers
mircea_popescu: >[The complaint was filed June 11, 2007, and was sealed over three months later, on September 17, 2007. Until that time it had been publicly available. It was sealed with one sentence near the end of a "proposed order" granting a motion to strike certain portions of the complaint. The order was apparently written by attorneys for
Brock Pierce and presented to the judge, who scratched out the word "proposed" and signed
assbot: The Shady History of
Brock Pie - PasteBin.Ro - Primul instrument de lipire din Romania!
assbot: Bitcoin Foundation Members Resigning Over
Brock Pierce Controversy - Is TBF Necessary? » CryptoCoinsNews
assbot: Bitcoin Foundation Members Resigning Over
Brock Pierce Controversy Is TBF Necessary? | Bitcoin Market
mircea_popescu: it's amusing, all the fucking pretense of "success" these people put up. from winklevoss and
brock pierce all the way down, they all pretend like they got dough meanwhile can't pay for a cup of coffee in cash.
HeySteve: mircea_popescu, all right cool. I'm covering this
Brock Pierce mess and urging TBF to clean up their act
HeySteve: this
brock guy is the last straw
mircea_popescu: so basically collins-rector has a harem too, except of [ex]little boys, among which
brock pierce, whom he keeps pushing into bitcoin nonsense.
mircea_popescu: "Subsequently, civil lawsuits from boys employed by DEN alleged sexual abuse and coercion using drugs and guns by Collins-Rector, co-founder Chad Shackley, and DEN Executive VP
Brock Pierce."
mircea_popescu: Digital Entertainment Network happens to be the bankrupt venture of the
brock pierce guy who is the purported owner that was going to buy the techno music brand some kid was pitching earlier in chan
Brock Pierce for President
bitcoinpete: bobby lee and some dude named
brock pierce at the top of "round 1"
cazalla: not surprising to see someone like
Brock Pierce involved given his history with RMT, he's the 2nd person I've come across in bitcoin that I knew of before Bitcoin, first being voorhees from wickedfire heh
jurov: The investor group, which includes
Brock Pierce, a former child actor-turned technology entrepreneur,
mircea_popescu: "
Brock Pierce is the godfather of virtual currency," says David Johnston, CEO of Engine, and another early adopter of the digital currency.
mircea_popescu: "Shortly after his panel on investment opportunities, former child star
Brock Pierce (The Mighty Ducks) was engulfed by a throng of admirers."