28 entries in 0.409s
asciilifeform: so is zhirinovsky, lol
asciilifeform: rms held on to microphone long past his sell-by date by playing a sort of zhirinovsky against background of microshit empire. but iirc we had already this thrd.
asciilifeform: like zhirinovsky's idea of how latvia should make buxxorz -- store fission wastes.
asciilifeform: because trump is zhirinovsky
asciilifeform: but asciilifeform was also fond of zhirinovsky, and of limonov, et al
asciilifeform: tame oppositioner ( a la zhirinovsky ) - typical
asciilifeform: zhirinovsky
asciilifeform: trinque: are you familiar with zhirinovsky ?
a111: 18 results for "zhirinovsky", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=zhirinovsky
asciilifeform: !#s zhirinovsky
a111: Logged on 2016-10-17 03:50 asciilifeform: if the d00d weren't a zhirinovsky-style muppet, he'd be recruiting good old-fashioned brownshirts just about now.
asciilifeform: if the d00d weren't a zhirinovsky-style muppet, he'd be recruiting good old-fashioned brownshirts just about now. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i still read him as an english-speaking zhirinovsky.
ascii_deadfiber: i dun see the 'winning.' the man is the american zhirinovsky - crafted heat sink for excitable 'red state' folk.
asciilifeform: he was specifically hired as a kind of zhirinovsky.
asciilifeform: what next, zhirinovsky wins in ru ?!
asciilifeform: zhirinovsky.
asciilifeform: sorta like zhirinovsky
ascii_field: a la zhirinovsky in late su.
ascii_field: (the actual american zhirinovsky is not unambiguously one man, but could be peter thiel, ron/rand paul, a number of other folks)
ascii_field: funny how mr mold is being groomed to become a junior assistant zhirinovsky
ascii_field: for overseas folks: cato et al play the same role in usg as zhirinovsky played in ru in '90s
mircea_popescu: who is this, zhirinovsky ?
ascii_modem: he, iirc, is the american zhirinovsky
asciilifeform: 'occupy lolstreet' is analogous to zhirinovsky's political party in the late ussr
asciilifeform: wait, the american zhirinovsky ?!
asciilifeform: 'ever-amusing Russian Liberal Democrat leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky has proposed dividing up Western Ukraine between Poland, Hungary and Romania. Poland quickly responded that it has no interest in annexing former Eastern Poland. I can't blame them.'
jurov: http://www.tvp.info/14506221/duma-do-polskiego-msz-podzielmy-ukraine Zhirinovsky.Of course.