20 entries in 0.682s
mp_en_viaje: im sure his vultr comes with 192gb ram and a takedown notice if you allocate >@
nocredit: because vultr vps has sent me a takedown notice
nocredit: second, my vps provider (vultr) is complaining with me that i put too much wear and tear to their ssd
nocredit: hi, thanks for the voice. Basically trb (with aggressive patch) simply is too slow to sync, and i'm using a VULTR vps with 6 cores and 16GB of ram. For too slow i mean that after 1 week is just at block height 300k
trinque: this is a piece of shit vps on a service called vultr. the thing was being used as little more than a web-toilet which other services elsewhere use.
mats: for the record, vultr and feralhosting were uncooperative regarding abuse complaints
brazilish: asciilifeform: is vultr
jurov: seems on vultr.com
ben_vulpes: vultr.
decimation: as I recall, folks here have had good luck with 'vultr' too
decimation: ben_vulpes: did you try one of those 'vultr' vpses?
kakobrekla: ;;later tell diametric vultr takes btc
kakobrekla: vultr takes btc
punkman: I wouldn't expect vultr to be better but who knows
kakobrekla: maybe time to test retardation levels at vultr
kakobrekla: vultr has freebds
decimation: so reading about lowendhost.net in the [b]logs was useful. has anyone used 'vultr.com'?
kakobrekla: im just checking out vultr
assbot: 0 results for 'vultr' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=vultr
kakobrekla: !s vultr