15 entries in 0.978s

mircea_popescu: unlike the run of the mill pantsuit, they usually don't have the canned "we don't
shoot anyone"
cop out
assbot: 8 results for '
shoot cop' - #bitcoin-assets search
mircea_popescu: in fact... "there aren't many of them, and they're supposed to be intelligent" is not unlike saying "this cow doesn't belong in the pen, it gives a lot of milk which is rare". whether it goes in the pen or puts the would-be farmer in the pen strictly depends on how willing to
http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shoot+cop the cow finds itself.
mircea_popescu: the "go
shoot a
cop" strategy would be where bee activates her ovaries, other bees kill her offspring, she kills [one of] those other bees.
mircea_popescu: i can see why individual cowards don't
shoot cop first, ask questions after.
decimation: one
cop that could
shoot accurately was infinitely more effective at 'stopping terrorists' than hundreds of thousands of security bureaucrats
mircea_popescu: "man that didn't
shoot the
cop had a gun! neighbours saw it!"