39 entries in 0.686s

jurov suspects that all the alf-alikes just barfed at JO instruction "no we want trapping! and true
pyrex glass!"
mircea_popescu: it's way the fuck easier to work than
pyrex, and altogether better in all respects.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 16:43 asciilifeform: the
pyrex switcheroo was enabled by the fact of the two glasses being visually indistinguishable.
thestringpuller thanks asciilifeform for inspiration for a rap song "war on
jurov: but complaining about
pyrex is easier, I get that.
jurov: how it's fraudulent? it's perfectly legal for
pyrex brand owner to sell blown turds
jurov: i dun see how spectroscope helps with "it-must-be-called-
jurov: so I think it's just some UStards latched on "
pyrex" and are rightly milked by brand owner
jurov: it's perhaps just brand blindness that borosilicate glass ====
pyrex a111: Logged on 2016-07-01 16:26 asciilifeform: simple pocket spectroscope that would let you distinguish shit-faux-
pyrex from the real on, in a shop.
gabriel_laddel: I for one would like to be able to buy
pyrex, and not the re-branded crap either.
ascii_field: cameraball is a hypothetical device consisting of sealed
pyrex sphere with two fish-eye cameras inside. charged and addressed via induction coil. contains a certain amount of eeprom, signs each frame with rsa key, which is zeroed if the glass is penetrated.
ben_vulpes: 'cept that
pyrex doesn't shatter when dropped.
assbot: Now I Know – The War Against