1095 entries in 0.528s
asciilifeform: openbsd has 'apm' util out of the box.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: gentoo, debian, freebsd, openbsd, all booted
BingoBoingo: Just imagine you are talking in #OpenBSD
BingoBoingo: Well, other than trying progressively older versions of OpenBSD I dunno if there is a solution to Unix bloat.
asciilifeform: openbsd still eats most of the 64M though.
asciilifeform: solution = openbsd + 'plop' (boot manager that laughs at idiot 8GB limit of old bios)
asciilifeform: seems like openbsd won't even try to install /boot to a separate mbr part.
ozbot: [OpenBSD/i386] 2 MBR Partitions with OpenBSD?
asciilifeform: http://mailman.theapt.org/pipermail/openbsd-newbies/2006-October/003187.html
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform try openbsd :D
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Actual for obscure and old hardware OpenBSD seems to have better hardware and human support than NetBSD. At least that seems the experience on 68k machines
Ademan: OpenBSD Foundation*
Ademan: benkay: sure, but I think it's safe to assume 1. OpenBSD didn't care to set up their own wallet and 2. OpenBSD needs to convert to fiat to pay the bills anyways
ozbot: Donate to the OpenBSD Foundation
Ademan: benkay: I did look to see what transactions had occurred involving OpenBSD's address, but found <1BTC in transactions
jurov: The Openbsd fundation published him on the donors list, what's there more to wonder about?
Ademan: mircea_popescu: did you donate to OpenBSD in fiat?
BingoBoingo: pankkake: I can't wait for the OpenBSD metadistro that follows the principles elided in the Bash that a hypothetical MP os does.
carpet: mircea_popescu: you are using openBSD as your main OS?
mircea_popescu: "With OpenBSD, you have a community of hard-core asshole isolationists who freely and openly express unrestrained disdain for the less-knowledgeable, don't care about their users, don't want more users, don't entertain requests from their users, and who would prefer that you get lost rather than bother them. If you can figure their shit out, they're not going to stop you from using it, but don't ask any questions, don' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you know, possibly the funniest shit coming out of the openbsd story is the following comment on wired : "Yeah, an OS that almost nobody use is obviously "safe", since bad guys have no incentives to spend time attacking it."
Duffer1: "Romanian Bitcoin Millionaire makes OpenBSD"
mircea_popescu: "Румынский биткоин миллионер спасает OpenBSD"
ozbot: Unix-Derivat OpenBSD ist gerettet | heise online
FabianB: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Unix-Derivat-OpenBSD-ist-gerettet-2090017.html
asciilifeform: http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2014/01/openbsd/ ?
maximian: mircea_popescu: the pic that wired selected for that openbsd article is hilarious
nanotube: mircea_popescu: nice work on openbsd :)
mircea_popescu: kako is going to end up sending openbsd a bill.
nubbins`: turns out dropping 24btc on openbsd was a great form of advertising
mircea_popescu: lol @obamacare. they should have used openbsd.
mircea_popescu: pankkake i kinda liked the guy with the "funny how openbsd elec bill is paid by the result of bitcoin mining"
pankkake: https://linuxfr.org/users/thom/journaux/nourrir-les-vaches-openbsd-a-recu-des-fonds was mostly about how bitcoin isn't money and how it's bad to make money with money
mircea_popescu: turns out openbsd really is quite popular in all the places that aren't social media.
mircea_popescu: so openbsd went from being in the red to 100k overnight huh. cool beans.
deadweasel: i actually wondered that when i read teh openbsd plea.. and then boom, it was done.
deadweasel: ;;later tell mircea_popescu thanks for saving OpenBSD :D
KRS1: I've always used FBSD, never really had any ties with the OpenBSD community.
ozbot: Donate to the OpenBSD Foundation
ozbot: OpenBSD Moving Towards Signed Packages — Based On D. J. Bernstein Crypto - Slashdot
KRS1: openssh is openbsd?
ozbot: Romanian Bitcoin Entrepreneur Steps In To Pay OpenBSD Shortfall - Slashdot
nubbins`: http://bsd.slashdot.org/story/14/01/20/0348247/romanian-bitcoin-entrepreneur-steps-in-to-pay-openbsd-shortfall
nubbins`: "A mysterious Bitcoin-powered white knight is reported to have come to the rescue of the struggling OpenBSD Foundation."
nubbins`: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/20/openbsd_bailed_out/
Perlboy: lols mircea made theregister: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/20/openbsd_bailed_out/
BingoBoingo: So... I just remembered Reddit was a thing and tried submitting a link only to find this http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1vnmb4/romanian_bitcoin_billionaire_saves_openbsd/
mircea_popescu: "Ah, the irony of OpenBSD paying for its computers racking up a huge electricity bill using money made by computers racking up huge electricity bills."
herbijudlestoids: well, i have to go to bed early tonight so i guess im gonna /quit. nice to meet you strange people and thanks for donating to save openbsd mircea_popescu that was a very nice thing to do
herbijudlestoids: thats what i thought, BingoBoingo pfsense was not on openbsd!
BingoBoingo: Fine, in the interest of equal coverage in the fucking media https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Theo_de_Raadt#Starting_the_OpenBSD_Project
herbijudlestoids: mircea_popescu: there is no rpi build for openbsd :(
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: pfsense was made on OpenBSD
herbijudlestoids: i was thinking last night that if someone ported pfsense to openbsd that would be it, openbsd would take over
BingoBoingo: Nah, openBSD rapes FreeBSD lovingly. Seriously I know they work for different purposes.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo well just because the anonderps are at each other;s throats does not necessarily imply openbsd and freebsd have free-for-all wrestling matches in the dev cubicles.
herbijudlestoids: i came on here, by complete chance from seeing the openbsd thing on twitter
mircea_popescu: "Mircea Popescu is very nice person, thank you for saving OpenBSD. Now, why are some a-holes here bouthmouthing one person that did something to help OpenBSD's problem?! And jumping to conclusions and all. Jesus Christ that will teach any future milionares to sponsor FOSS."
BingoBoingo: Public confirmation from the OpenBSD people seemingly unnecessary.
mircea_popescu: So FreeBSD which isn't associated with malcoins per se and is used in the PS4 vs. OpenBSD which is now smeared and tainted with btc's. Hmm, let me think:"
mircea_popescu: "That sort of an electrical bill is a crap explanation in my opinion to support the development and deployment of OpenBSD developers and users.
ozbot: Romanian Bitcoin Entrepreneur Steps In To Pay OpenBSD Shortfall - Slashdot
herbijudlestoids: http://bsd.slashdot.org/story/14/01/20/0348247/romanian-bitcoin-entrepreneur-steps-in-to-pay-openbsd-shortfall?utm_source=slashdot&utm_medium=twitter
herbijudlestoids: so im on twitter and i see a /. article about romanian billionaire saving openbsd
BingoBoingo: euromaidan: Are you just hoping your revolution gets the same support OpenBSD did?
ozbot: Twitter / computionist: HAHAHA O SHIT OPENBSD SAVED ...
pankkake: https://twitter.com/dascritch/status/425144363409084416 (a romanian MILLIONaire in bitcoins saves openbsd - where are the usual open source sponsors?)
ozbot: Romanian Bitcoin Billionaire saves OpenBSD | Hacker News
BingoBoingo: So the email inbox suggests "Romanian Billionaire Saves OpenBSD" might front slashdot
mircea_popescu: another good title, of course, would have been "openbsd gets 2/3 of a mpex account"
ozbot: Romanian Billionaire Saves OpenBSD | Bingo Blog
BingoBoingo: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/01/19/romanian-billionaire-saves-openbsd/
BingoBoingo: I'm guessing the motivation was that OpenBSD development is useful, and the world would be worse, or at least less interesting without it.
nubbins`: osx borrows a firewall from openbsd
benkay: BingoBoingo: do you have logs for the openbsd sponsorship discussion?
BingoBoingo: I wonder if this will make Slashdot, Romanian Billionaire saves OpenBSD for the Lulz
mircea_popescu: and it pleases me to announce openbsd got itself sponsored.
BingoBoingo: From #openbsd: <neoncortex> tobiasu: i use keybind for a lot of things, even to lauch another sndiod and kill then [ to use my usb headphones without have to execute commands on terminal ]
BingoBoingo: Oh mircea_popescu you're trying to cover the OpenBSD shortfall? I imagine quite the Trilema post if Theo turns it down or fails to collect it for some reason.
mircea_popescu: Jan 19 22:13:01 *Now talking on #openbsd
mircea_popescu: check me out in #openbsd lol
pankkake: http://www.openbsd.org/images/rack2009.jpg close
asciilifeform: 'openbsd, running on dead squirrel in shoebox since 19xx...'
pankkake: openbsd = grumpy paranoid old guys so I thought it would fit in here
ozbot: "OpenBSD will shut down if we do not have the funding"
pankkake: http://www.osnews.com/story/27519/_OpenBSD_will_shut_down_if_we_do_not_have_the_funding_ (they accept btc donations)
diametric: asciilifeform: openbsd for me
BingoBoingo: pankkake: Well, for the fringe shit where they overlap the OpenBSD implementations tend to be better (Machintosh 68K as an example)
nubbins`: "OpenBSD: Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!"
pankkake: if any of you tinfoil hats use openbsd, you can now donate to them with bitcoin
mod6: what about freebsd or openbsd?
pankkake: do it like openbsd: "Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!"
midnightmagic: jurov: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135110703125929&w=2
Ignatius-otc_: eh it's openbsd sillyness. I like it so far though seems to be more stable.
Luceo: Azelphur: I've fallen in love with OpenBSD