24 entries in 0.826s

mircea_popescu: right. so you know, my allergy "to the short
ooda loop" is all the flies going "o man, this is great! yay!". it's not to the fucking meat, i eat steak tartare every so often
mircea_popescu: point remains, two bit everything all around. that's your "short
ooda loop". it's a lot closer to cocaine than the users realise.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i am at no point in there hating on short
ooda loop. i am hating on the idiocy he surrounds it with.
mircea_popescu: there;s this feedback
loop for writers. it's great to write->publish->read. think of it as a special sort of
ooda loop.
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, #trilema
OODA loop : "hey, make an X" "what kind an X ?" "JUST MAKE AN X!" *picks arbitrary params a through w, makes such an X. "here you go" "o cool, now set b to this and q to that, link l to k and make c double d" "here." "holy shit the submarine now flies! and lays eggs! good job man!"