22 entries in 0.548s

a111: Logged on 2018-10-06 23:51 phf: asciilifeform: i don't have binary diffing even in prototype form, if you could adaize your
needleman-wunsch i could add it to vtools, the way i did with diana_coman's keccak
a111: Logged on 2018-10-06 23:55 phf: there are three distinct options: deletions and renames (which is handled by mp algo), creations (that can be handled by e.g. <size><content in hex>) and diffing (which is top complexity, needing e.g.
phf: there are three distinct options: deletions and renames (which is handled by mp algo), creations (that can be handled by e.g. <size><content in hex>) and diffing (which is top complexity, needing e.g.
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: i don't have binary diffing even in prototype form, if you could adaize your
needleman-wunsch i could add it to vtools, the way i did with diana_coman's keccak
☟︎ ben_vulpes: study
needleman-wunsch is in my todo list
mats: i was under the impression 'diff' implements a variation on '