35 entries in 1.226s
BingoBoingo: I mean the part where a fob exists that isn't infineon
asciilifeform: so prolly not infineon, in their 'fob'.
a111: 31 results for "infineon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=infineon
asciilifeform: !#s infineon
asciilifeform: in related lulz, the google dev shithub etc do mention that they use a usb 'fob' for signing. which suggested that maybe infineon-lulz
a111: Logged on 2017-10-17 05:59 jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. "
asciilifeform: would take approx 3-6 mo. on dulap to break a summer-2017-and-prior infineon-generated key .
a111: 26 results for "infineon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=infineon
asciilifeform: !#s infineon
asciilifeform: ( re infineon -- anybody who was dumb enuff to actually generate a key with it, got fucked to death last summer, even if he dun realize it yet. this, too, Unhappened. )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: observe, said concert was masterfully played, they introduced ~harmless/desolderable 'pretty plz store keys in this?' infineon thing in x86 mobos, while quietly building in wholly independent intel/nic rootkit etc
asciilifeform: i am not particularly interested in infineon, you can safely desolder it from any box that has it
asciilifeform: swiftgeek: the typical x86 pc 'infineon' etc tpm, cannot do such interesting things as overriding bios write protect, accessing microphone, etc
asciilifeform: i.e. 100% replacement of the old infineon they formerly used
asciilifeform: ( i cannot rule out the possibility that it was built in cooperation with, or at the facility of , infineon; it is stamped 'TWN' so this is at least theoretically hinted )
asciilifeform: google baked it as a replacement for the infineon.
asciilifeform: it is not an infineon, this is more or less certain
asciilifeform: the chip itself does not match the description of any old fritztron familiar to asciilifeform (e.g. infineon's, intel's)
asciilifeform: ( they dun have, afaik, a fab, the 'TWN' suggests they contracted out to e.g. infineon )
asciilifeform: producer does not, per the actual magic revealed in the infineon incident, have to know anything at all.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-17 05:59 jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. "
asciilifeform: to set myself up to be nailed infineon-style ?!
asciilifeform: the other problem is that prime constructor proof may or may not fit-in-head. infineon's method probably seemed correct to various folx.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-07 14:34 asciilifeform: spoiler : infineon used http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 method.
asciilifeform: spoiler : infineon used http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 method. ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-10-17 05:59 jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. "
asciilifeform: in other lullies, bernstein exposes the item the original 'authors' sat on in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-17#1725945 >>> https://blog.cr.yp.to/20171105-infineon.html ☝︎
asciilifeform: erlehmann: the infineon thing is a straight plagiarism of phuctor
erlehmann: i think the infineon RSA super happy fun time triggered it
jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. " ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 'Samsung’s Shannon modems are prevalent in most of the newer Samsungs; Intel’s Infineon chips have taken over Qualcomm as the baseband for iPhone 7 and above; and MediaTek’s chips are a popular choice for lower cost Androids. And to top it off, Qualcomm is still dominant in higher end non-Samsung Androids.' << suggests a burn
decimation: infineon was a Siemens spinoff, a successful one at that
asciilifeform: phun phact: infineon makes the 'fritz chip.'
assbot: Infineon to Buy International Rectifier for $3 Billion - WSJ
decimation: http://online.wsj.com/articles/infineon-to-buy-international-rectifier-for-3-billion-1408552155 << Infineon paid only $3bn for International Rectifier, which mints $1bn worth of industrial silicon parts per annum - less than what Google paid for Nest